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Hyponne family (하이포네 가문, Haipone gamun / ハイポネ, Haipone / 哈伊波内, 哈伊波內, Hā yībō nèi) is the characters (organization) in Denma.

This is a noble family of the planet Terra.

Nanny was on the planet Bella to take care of Soobin who was studying here. She was basically to planet Bella as a representative for them. And even made their business decisions. That's not something Denma sees very often. And setting up a college was one of their businesses. All the siblings nanny changed diapers and Soobin's the most.

The nanny thinks she liked the way May were looking people in the eyes when she were talking. Now that nanny thinks of it, it's been 40 years since she started working for them. The first thing that nanny learned from the family was that she had to look down when she faced them. Those who possess more than the size of their heart see people as things. It was humiliating. So nanny stopped looking at people in their eyes when she talked to them in the house. When the mother of the family passed away in an accident, nanny wanted to leave the family. But there were 6 siblings to take care of. So nanny started taking care of them. At that time, Soobin was a baby. The nanny had so many things to does, but the household atmosphere changed and she could endure them. The nanny could now look at them in the eyes. Through their eyes, nanny could understand their emotions and thoughts and that made her more responsible for the things she did. The nanny was motivated to does what she did. But the atmosphere changed once again.

About a decade ago, when the agent of the duke of Gosan gave nanny books about the laws and rules of their business. And the agent of the duke of Gosan says the duke of Gosan is pleased to see that the kids turned into great men with nanny's dedication, and he wants her to stay with the family as long as she can. Then the agent of the duke of Gosan says the nanny will just be becoming one of the family's business agents, and she just need to does what they tell her to does, and these'll help her understanding what her are doing, so she should be able to find out what their business is about as her read them through. As the brothers of the family grew up, the duke of Gosan took over the family management and maid robots replaced her nanny duties.

The youngest master doesn't bear the responsibility for the management of the family.

God thinks that he only thought that they were one of those rich families, but a noble family like this is no average rich family so winning a lottery is nothing for them.

They've many companies.

They stops the Zipnite trade with the planet Bella because they aren't doing their best to find them. The planet Terra offers the lowest Zipnite price, and the planet Bella will be taking a blow in medical, food, clothing, construction, transportation are basically all sectors, and they're under the Duke of Gosan's protection so they've a lot of power. In the planetary ruling committee, planet Bella, another board member of the committee orders the person of the trade office of the planet Bella that the trade office to tell their agent that they're very sorry and they're doing best. But the person of the trade office says they said they'll come in a family-owned battleship equipped with searching devices. A board member of the committee says they want their authorization when they're coming in a battleship. Another member says they're going to declare war against them if their family is dead.

But they don't think the war. They think the family is always first and they're just putting a little pressure by sending one of their battleships to planet Bella. Then if the worst happens, they'll stop trading Zipnite with the planet Bella once and for all will be a more efficient way to avenge than a war.

In fact, a maid here's Duke Gosan's spy. Duke Gosan taps on a calculator. At this time, the maid who was infiltrating here tells Gosan to put a calculator away now. And the maid asks to Gosan that he's calculating how much he can get if a war breaks out between them and he said he'll stop making money like that. Gosan says that's right but this is the best way to make money thought. The maid says to put a calculator away now and asks where's Doctor Kitten and Mayhen right now. Gosan answers he doesn't know and maybe they went shopping. And Gosan requests the maid that get him some wine. When the maid left, Gosan says if a war breaks out between Bella and Terra will make a ton of money off of it.

The committee asked the Duke of Gosan for arbitration. Gosan says to his butler that if he doesn't take the committee's gift they'd suspect him when something happens. Gosan orders to the committee that he wants the popera artist Hitas from their planet Bella to perform on the road whenever he wants. Gosan's butler says they don't use the battleship, and instead to take a passenger ship. Gosan orders to loaded the cargo into the their passenger ship. Gosan says to his butler that the planet Bella's scanning device won't find it because it's a brand new anti-gravity bomb that can only be detected after going through 20 steps of automated assembly procedure.

The signal sounds in the island. That was the second unexpected thing. God didn't think there would be a factor coming from the outside. Everyone returned safety. The third son says he heard that miss May helped their family a lot on the island, so he'd like to invite her over for dinner and she can bring her family, friends, or whoever her want to come with. May had no one to invite. May is coming with just one person and he's just someone she knows. That someone May knows was Hitas, the popera artist of the planet Bella. God thought, he didn't really need to take them to the island. The feeling was everyone seemed like they'd approve their marriage. But the eldest son says a patron isn't the qualification to be responsible for their wealth and if his wife can't get May off, just bring her back after the engagement ceremony, and he'll makes sure the marriage doesn't happen. God says that's not happening and the story's almost finished and the things he's about to does.

God says before they continue let he explain how it all happened. The culprit tries to use the robot as an avatar to activate the bomb on their passenger ship. God is surprised to hear that the culprit who's in the screen says it's a bomb. The butler of Duke of Gosan who's in the screen commands the culprit to start the bomb launch outside the range of explosion through robots. God finds a bomb and says this isn't from this planet so it wouldn't there be a manual. God hold the bomb so it's stop. God uses the robot and motorcycle to carry the bomb somewhere. After God stole the bomb, the butler of Duke of Gosan reports to the Gosan that the bomb was stolen. God manipulates the cafe's robot and runs and visits the culprit and beats him. Daniel, who received Gosan's orders, to beats the cafe's robot and bring the cafe's robot and culprit to planet Terra.

God's collapsed robot wakes up again and carries a bomb and he thinks 'Yeah, you're the only one I can think of!' The director tells to soldier that God's ghost on the network is for a girl that he once knew when he was alive and the A.N.G.E.L. team installed the vaccine on all servers on the network on this planet before things got out of hand but they can't find him. The soldier says the director said 'on this planet' but he thinks the network outside on the planet like a satellite and he just thought that was a possibility because the satellite images were manipulated. The director soon realized where God was hiding.

God's collapsed robot wakes up again and visits and bring a bomb for gift to the owner of planet Bella and says there's someone who's trying to start a war between Bella and Terra with this and if he didn't stop a bomb from getting assembled, it would have a war. At this time, Daniel is teleports and comes and knocks down the robot and brings the owner of here to the Duke of Gosan. God thinks the terrorist must have taken the owner of here is actually better since the problem is now solved but he wanted to make a deal with the guy.

The owner of the planet returned safely in a few days drunk. The owner of planet Bella say goodbye to Daniel that please send his regard to his brother and tell him that he'll invite him to here soon. Then the owner of here grabs God and says his gift saved the planet Bella plus, he has a sworn brother now and he knows he's the ghost inside the network. The owner of planet Bella calls Doctor God and asks how's May doing. And the owner of planet Bella proposes something to God. God accepts the offer, but under one condition. On December 24th that May is got an engagement ceremony. And God goes out of the robot and says, there was something that May wished for and he want him to call in some renowned wedding guests to discourage the other family. God says he can change the weather as she wished by the due date but even with this godly ability he can't get any wedding guests for her there's only so much that he can does to invite guests. The owner of planet Bella sighs, and he's surprises and tries to runs to him. The owner of planet Bella says he'll call in everyone from culture, media, sports, religion, economy, and politics those who're directly and indirectly related to him. The faces of each industry. So they made a deal.

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Hitas sings. After the engagement ceremony, God increase the output. The Lieutenant Colonel is finds God and angry and orders the soldier that to shoot him down before he does anything stupid. And the Lieutenant Colonel orders to pull it out of the gravity range and take care of it. God makes the maximum output. At this time, everyone looks out the window.

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Outside the window, Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. God thinks this is the final goodbye.


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  • Mrs. Hyponne: She appeared in the God's Lover (77). At this point, she was deceased. 40 years ago, she teaches to nanny that she had to look down when she faced them. So nanny stopped looking at people in their eyes when she talked to them in the house. She's passed away in an accident. The nanny wanted to leave the family. But there were 6 siblings to take care of. So the nanny started taking care of them. At that time, Soobin was a baby. The nanny could now look at them in the eyes. About a decade later, The girlfriend next to the eldest son slaps the nanny's cheek. The nanny later found out that the eldest son's girlfriend is a daughter of a very strict noble family. It was more humiliating than what the nanny had experienced from the master's late wife.

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  • Eldest son

He first appeared in the God's Lover (74). He last appeared in the (115).

He's the eldest son of the 6 brothers of the Hyponne family. He smokes. He confirms May's identity through the butler. He gets angry with his nanny because she pushes the marriage between he and May, and May is a former hair stylist, and the marriage is a huge business for the nobles so they can't have the blood of the lowest class from another planet mixed with their blood. But the nanny says no.

The other brothers of Hyponne call and reproach him that he's so disrespectful because he did that to nanny. The fifth son advises to him that they need to stop May instead by telling her how low her social status is compared to them, they've to make her realize that a civilian of another planet can't hang around with the noble of the planet Terra.

About a decade ago, he had got drunk and late into the house. The girlfriend next to him slaps the nanny's cheek.

In the cruise, Soobin says to May that an engagement ceremony is what his brothers suggested.

He recommends to the third son that he'll goes with a battleship, because if their wives and their sisters-in-law and their youngest brother, Soobin are found dead they can't just be sitting around doing nothing. He says he want to does much more than that with the way he's feeling right now, but the family is always first and he's just putting a little pressure by sending one of their battleships to planet Bella. Then he says if the worst happens, they'll stop trading Zipnite with the planet Bella once and for all will be a more efficient way to avenge than a war.

Gosan's butler says they don't use the battleship, and instead to take a passenger ship. He says to the third son that he didn't know Bella also had a connection with Gosan and they must have asked him for arbitration.

His wife says May is somewhat qualified to be one of them. But he says a patron isn't the qualification to be responsible for their wealth and if his wife can't get May off, just bring her back after the engagement ceremony, and he'll makes sure the marriage doesn't happen. God says that's not happening and the story's almost finished and the things he's about to does. God sees sees him to hologram. He says he'll make sure the marriage doesn't happen. God thinks he'll show him what he can does.

The chief members of the ruling committee comes here. The third son calls him and says he met the board member of the ruling committee who he talked to about the Zipnite trade and everything that's happening here and it's real. The third son sends the engagement video to his brothers because they have to see it. The brothers all praised Soobin about finding May. At this time, he sees Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. He says to the other brothers that they reopen the Zipnite trade with Bella and get ready for the wedding.

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The second son's wife, the eldest son's wife, the third son's wife

  • Eldest son's wife

She first appeared in the God's Lover (79). She last appeared in the (115).

She's the eldest son of the Hyponne family's wife. She's wearing a blue dress.

Without a notice, 3 of the fifth son's in-law will visit there and they'll run into each other, then nanny will have no time to have May prepared for anything. So until the fifth son's in-law arrive, the butler shouldn't in any case, let them know that they're coming. The rest is on the fifth son's in-law will prove him right about the girl that she's a gold digger who treats the old woman nicely, lures an innocent and naive noble guy, and plans to take the noble family's fortune.

She says to the nanny that she should address her as ma'am. The butler says to the nanny that the daughter-in-law are here. The nanny says the daughter-in-law are without a notice. The daughter-in-law come into the room.

She calls May to Cherry, and she says one restaurant seems pretty famous so let's have dinner together but bring no one but herself. Without knowing their intention, May traveled 2 hours to meet them. May is prevented from going the restaurant because of the dress code. She says this is like the basic stuff, and the wives can't cancel the reservation, so May is going to has to wait out the restaurant for a few minutes. May was flustered, but she was more worried that she might have made them feel uncomfortable. So May had to wait outside indefinitely. They were the wives of May's brothers-in-law if she were to be married. When the restaurant hours are over, May calls the wives. She says they thought May would have left because they took so long, and the food wasn't too bad the restaurant. That's when May found out about the wives' intention. Of course, the wives were just getting started.

The nanny and Soobin asks what the sisters-in-law did tell May. May says they didn't have much of a talk and she's tired to she'll goes get some sleep. May couldn't tell them about what happened because she knew that it would cause trouble. The third son's wife says the only reason that she came to the planet Bella is for Mr. Hitas and he's the best popera artist of the century and now she gets to sees him in person so she's so thankful for the youngest brother-in-law's absurdness. The second son's wife says she's the planet Bella for Mr. Gon. She says their husbands will be embarrassed to see them. The sisters-in-law take May to Hitas' performance place. The sisters-in-law go to VIP seats, and May sits in a place other than VIP seats. The third son's wife asks if this is good. She says it was incredible and they embraces each other. The second son's wife says to May that the third son's wife bought a lot of things and they don't have enough room in the car, so she'll take a cab and follow them the boutique. And the second son's wife calls May to Cherry, and she says she wants to buy her a dress as a gift and they don't want to cancel anymore reservations because of her. What the sisters-in-law prepared for May was the ultimate humiliation.

She orders to remove all the mirrors in the fitting room and don't come in until the son's wives are out. And when May comes in, she says they chose a few dresses for her to wear at places that have a dress code so she'll go on up and try them on now. May is embarrassed, but she tries to wear a dress. At this time, she says her gifts include top and bottom, inside and outside so first try the inner wears first. She says she want to see the beautiful body that the youngest brother-in-law fell in love with, so she's so excited to see how her gifts would look on May's beautiful body. May is embarrassed and shed tears.

May feels shame so she says to her that her gift is too much for her, and she goes out. At home, the second son's wife says to her that if May took her clothes off they could have just slapped her face and had this thing over with. She says they'll make May give up on her own, because it's too much for her to handle. May calls the nanny and she says she's fine and feeling much better now and they were very nice to her. The butler says the board of Saint Tetra university heard that they're in the planet Bella and wants to have a welcoming party for them and they asked them to send them a list of names that will be at the party on a cruise. They plan to take May to the party and they'll finish this thing in front of everyone.

May angry and complaints to them that they're inviting her to the board of directors' party, so they're perverts because they don't like her. God shows their property details and says they're really great. May smiles because Soobin really own all these. May says she isn't going to that party because they to humiliate her again. God thinks this could be the opportunity to change their mind a little bit. God says May has to accept their invitation and it's understandable that those witches don't like her and once she marry Soobin, she'll be taking a portion of their wealth, so it's a problem for them, and the fastest way to handle this is money, but they don't have that much money right now. God says this plan might sound strange and ridiculous to May, but he want her to trust him on this one, and it'll be physically exhausting, but it's able to defend their dirty attacks in a noble way.

God took the ship somewhere, the mate says to captain that they can't even switch to manual mode. Everything went just as God planned. God took the ship to a deserted island. the sisters-in-law won't be ignoring May anymore and God is sorry for the other people and they consider this a vacation. Even the personal networks are down. A planetary satellite probe isn't gonna work because God already had that taken care of as well. God tells May through earrings. God says no one is going to get hurt and this is a little extreme but it's also the quickest way to knock the sisters-in-law off. Then God says he has all the information about the island and he'll be connected to May like this the whole time so stay calm and they can do this. On the first day, it was a picnic for them as they're somehow sure of getting rescued. But a couple days later, when the food ran out they're no longer smiling. And there're 2 things that God didn't expect to happen but one of them happened then.

The Space Defense Command of Bella called by the board of Saint Tetra university that they've been searching everywhere since they received the report but they just couldn't trace it down. A soldier orders to another soldier that he separate the cloud layers from the screen and check to see if there're any overlapping images before and after the ship went missing. Another soldier reports that it's not similar and a matching weather. A soldier finds out that the part of the screen is a copied image from something.

The board of Saint Tetra university and the captain are blaming each other. She want to take a shower so she and the second son's wife are go for a little dip. They say the youngest one is still sleeping. At this time, she is screams because she's stung by the jellyfish. There're jellyfishes called "Bella Kironex Hell" that lives there and when she stings her, she'll feel unbearable pain and will soon be paralyzed and in a few minutes, will accompany hyperventilating, headache, fever, and become unconscious and she could end up dying in just minutes. The doctor comes but the network is down so he doesn't know the condition she's in and what type of venom it's. At this time, May says everyone step away and Soobin cover her so other people can't see her. The cure is the folk remedy of Bellans, and the venom is neutralized with urine.

Things started to turn around quickly once they found the drinking water and food. The second son's wife grumbles there aren't any meat. The taste of meat is one of the main reasons that God chose this island. It probably was a turning point. Once they got their energy back, they found out who their leader was. And that made those witches feel helpless. She falls in thought.

The second son's wife says her leg didn't scar and looks better than before so she thinks the ammonia of the Bellans good for skin. She says May does want to come join them because they need someone to clean the dishes for them. The second son's wife is surprised to hear this. May eats food with the sisters-in-law. The second son's wife asks she and the third son's wife that they plan on taking May in. The second son's wife become embarrasses because she and the third son's wife suddenly shift their positions. The signal sounds in the island. That was the second unexpected thing. God didn't think there would be a factor coming from the outside. Everyone returned safety.

The someone May knows was Hitas, the popera artist of the planet Bella. She asks to May that why didn't she tell them about that. Hitas answers it's because May's as humble as her late grandfather and he didn't want anyone to know about his patronage and he never wanted to take any credit for it, that's why, to this day, the artists that he supported don't even know about his name and he was fortunate enough. And God thought, he didn't really need to take them to the island. The feeling was everyone seemed like they'd approve their marriage. She says to the eldest son that May is somewhat qualified to be one of them. But the eldest son says a patron isn't the qualification to be responsible for their wealth and if she can't get May off, just bring her back after the engagement ceremony, and he'll makes sure the marriage doesn't happen. God says that's not happening and the story's almost finished and the things he's about to does.

At December 24th, the butler says to Soobin that he just moved the engagement ceremony to the garden of the cathedral. The third son says this is early summer weather. Soobin says to May that no one would deny the existence of god when they look at her. May says she's flattered. The sisters-in-law are ashamed.

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  • Second son

He first appeared in the God's Lover (75). He last appeared in the (115).

He and other brothers of Hyponne call to the eldest son and reproach him that he's so disrespectful because he did that to nanny.

The third son sends the engagement video to his brothers because they have to see it. The brothers all praised Soobin about finding May. At this time, he sees Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. The eldest son says to the other brothers that they reopen the Zipnite trade with Bella and get ready for the wedding.

  • Second son's wife

She first appeared in the God's Lover (79). She last appeared in the (115).

She's the second son of the Hyponne family's wife. She's wearing a yellow dress.

She and the third son's wife talk that how could the duke let a hag like a nursing home.

Without a notice, 3 of the fifth son's in-law will visit there and they'll run into each other, then nanny will have no time to have May prepared for anything. So until the fifth son's in-law arrive, the butler shouldn't in any case, let them know that they're coming. The rest is on the fifth son's in-law will prove him right about the girl that she's a gold digger who treats the old woman nicely, lures an innocent and naive noble guy, and plans to take the noble family's fortune.

The butler says to the nanny that the daughter-in-law are here. The nanny says the daughter-in-law are without a notice. The daughter-in-law come into the room.

She likes Mr. Hitas. She says to the eldest son's wife that the only reason that she came to the planet Bella is for Mr. Hitas and he's the best popera artist of the century and now she gets to sees him in person so she's so thankful for the youngest brother-in-law's absurdness. The third son's wife says she's the planet Bella for Mr. Gon. The eldest son's wife says their husbands will be embarrassed to see them. She calls to May and asks if she knows Mr. Hitas because she's Bellan. May answers it's just that she isn't feeling so well. She irritates and says she came all the way from another planet to see May. The sisters-in-law take May to Hitas' performance place. She says May doesn't leave in the middle of the show because she want to take her somewhere after the show. The sisters-in-law go to VIP seats, and May sits in a place other than VIP seats. She's impressed by Hitas' performance. Then she buys a lot of things. She asks the eldest son's wife that if this is good. The eldest son's wife says it was incredible and they embraces each other. The third son's wife says to May that she bought a lot of things and they don't have enough room in the car, so she'll take a cab and follow them the boutique.

She says to May that the sisters-in-law don't have mirrors in this room, so they'll see how they look on her. The eldest son's wife want to take a shower so she also go for a little dip. She and the third son's wife request that May goes away if she's done with her folk remedy. May says she'll and it won't leave any scars. Things started to turn around quickly once they found the drinking water and food. She grumbles there aren't any meat. The taste of meat is one of the main reasons that God chose this island. It probably was a turning point. Once they got their energy back, they found out who their leader was. And that made those witches feel helpless.

She says to the eldest son's wife that her leg didn't scar and looks better than before so she thinks the ammonia of the Bellans good for skin. The eldest son's wife says May does want to come join them because they need someone to clean the dishes for them. She's surprised to hear this. May eats food with the sisters-in-law. She asks to the eldest son's wife and the third son's wife that they plan on taking May in. She become embarrasses because the eldest son's wife and the third son's wife suddenly shift their positions.

She says to May that she doesn't think they're close now. At this time, the signal sounds. That was the second unexpected thing. God didn't think there would be a factor coming from the outside. So God's plan ended without success. Of course, everyone returned safety. God thinks how to he takes her down a peg. The third son says he heard that miss May helped their family a lot on the island, so he'd like to invite her over for dinner and she can bring her family, friends, or whoever her want to come with. May had no one to invite. She says to the other wives that May is coming with just one person and he's just someone she knows, so this is why she has been against her all this time. At that moment Hitas comes.

That someone May knows was Hitas, the popera artist of the planet Bella. She asks to Hitas that how does he knows miss May. Hitas answers miss May's late grandfather was a patron for Bella's art industry and without his help, he wouldn't be here today. And God thought, he didn't really need to take them to the island. The feeling was everyone seemed like they'd approve their marriage.

At December 24th, the butler says to Soobin that he just moved the engagement ceremony to the garden of the cathedral. The third son says this is early summer weather. Soobin says to May that no one would deny the existence of god when they look at her. May says she's flattered. The sisters-in-law are ashamed.

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  • Third son

He first appeared in the God's Lover (75). He last appeared in the (115).

He and other brothers of Hyponne call to the eldest son and reproach him that he's so disrespectful because he did that to nanny.

The eldest son recommends to him that he'll goes with a battleship, because if their wives and their sisters-in-law and their youngest brother, Soobin are found dead they can't just be sitting around doing nothing. The eldest son says he want to does much more than that with the way he's feeling right now, but the family is always first and he's just putting a little pressure by sending one of their battleships to planet Bella. Then the eldest son says if the worst happens, they'll stop trading Zipnite with the planet Bella once and for all will be a more efficient way to avenge than a war.

Gosan's butler says to the eldest son that they don't use the battleship, and instead to take a passenger ship. The eldest son says to him that he didn't know Bella also had a connection with Gosan and they must have asked him for arbitration.

The signal sounds in the island. That was the second unexpected thing. God didn't think there would be a factor coming from the outside. Everyone returned safety. He says he heard that miss May helped their family a lot on the island, so he'd like to invite her over for dinner and she can bring her family, friends, or whoever her want to come with.

Another board member of the committee says if he need anything during his stay, please requests. At this time, he thinks the highest members of the committee is here for Zipnite trade, and another board member of the committee thinks he knows why they're here.

At December 24th, the butler says to Soobin that he just moved the engagement ceremony to the garden of the cathedral. He says this is early summer weather.

The chief members of the ruling committee comes here. He's also surprises to sees that the one of the chief members of the ruling committee comes here. The one of the chief members of the ruling committee says May's grandfather made a huge contribution the the society and he's sure that she didn't know about it because he didn't want anyone to know about his contribution. He calls to the eldest son and says he met the board member of the ruling committee who he talked to about the Zipnite trade and everything that's happening here and it's real. He sends the engagement video to his brothers because they have to see it. At this time, he sees Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. The eldest son says to the other brothers that they reopen the Zipnite trade with Bella and get ready for the wedding.

  • Third son's wife

She first appeared in the God's Lover (79). She last appeared in the (115).

She's the third son of the Hyponne family's wife. She's wearing a red dress.

She and the second son's wife talk that how could the duke let a hag like a nursing home.

Without a notice, 3 of the fifth son's in-law will visit there and they'll run into each other, then nanny will have no time to have May prepared for anything. So until the fifth son's in-law arrive, the butler shouldn't in any case, let them know that they're coming. The rest is on the fifth son's in-law will prove him right about the girl that she's a gold digger who treats the old woman nicely, lures an innocent and naive noble guy, and plans to take the noble family's fortune.

The butler says to the nanny that the daughter-in-law are here. The nanny says the daughter-in-law are without a notice. The daughter-in-law come into the room.

She likes Mr. Gon. So she says to the eldest son's wife that she's the planet Bella for Mr. Gon. The eldest son's wife says their husbands will be embarrassed to see them. The sisters-in-law take May to Hitas' performance place. She says to May that the second son's wife bought a lot of things and they don't have enough room in the car, so she'll take a cab and follow them the boutique. And she calls May to Cherry, and she says the oldest sister wants to buy her a dress as a gift and they don't want to cancel anymore reservations because of her. What the sisters-in-law prepared for May was the ultimate humiliation.

May feels shame so she says to the eldest son's wife that her gift is too much for her, and she goes out. At home, she says to the eldest son's wife that if May took her clothes off they could have just slapped her face and had this thing over with.

Something happens in a short time. There wasn't really much going on between she and guy who's a crew member. It was just hello ...and psh! the response. But only after a couple days she and the guy started having conversations and saw each other very late at night to avoid others from seeing. God thinks he couldn't does that dying a few times but it could happen. That guy wasn't even that good looking and he's just a crew member who had a thick neck. But somehow the guy talked her out only in a few days. Like saying, this and that... some pickup lines, occasional laughing, fierce eye contact, it makes no sense. God tried to analyze and understand how it all happened from the beginning, but it made no sense. God thinks that thick-neck crew member some kind of love god. The guy only said a few things till he and she got that close. God is getting angry as he's talking about it and he says he can't forget she and guy's vigorous yet mesmerizing night and that was really unexpected.

In the morning, she's still sleeping. But when the eldest son's wife stung by the jellyfish and screams, she wakes up. She and the second son's wife request that May goes away if she's done with her folk remedy. May says she'll and it won't leave any scars. Things started to turn around quickly once they found the drinking water and food. The second son's wife grumbles there aren't any meat. The taste of meat is one of the main reasons that God chose this island. It probably was a turning point. Once they got their energy back, they found out who their leader was. And that made those witches feel helpless. And people started to interact with others once they felt better. She changing clothes, and the thick-neck crew member says, that was the best meat that he's ever had. May calls Soobin after seeing her who's doing the affair. She's surprised to hear it.

In fact, May was peed here. She's afraid. She says to May that if she ever tell anyone about she won't let her does it. May says it was too dark for her to see anything and she'll come follow her because she need more hands. She says she need to get more sleep because she's so tired, but she come follow May. The eldest son's wife says May does want to come join them because they need someone to clean the dishes for them. The second son's wife is surprised to hear this. May eats food with the sisters-in-law. The second son's wife asks to the eldest son's wife and her that they plan on taking May in. The second son's wife become embarrasses because the eldest son's wife and she suddenly shift their positions. The signal sounds in the island. That was the second unexpected thing. God didn't think there would be a factor coming from the outside. Everyone returned safety. God thought, he didn't really need to take them to the island. The feeling was everyone seemed like they'd approve their marriage.

At December 24th, the butler says to Soobin that he just moved the engagement ceremony to the garden of the cathedral. The third son says this is early summer weather. Soobin says to May that no one would deny the existence of god when they look at her. May says she's flattered. The sisters-in-law are ashamed. She's surprises to sees that Mr. Gon comes to May's engagement ceremony.

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  • Fourth son

He first appeared in the God's Lover (75). He last appeared in the (115).

He and other brothers of Hyponne call to the eldest son and reproach him that he's so disrespectful because he did that to nanny.

The third son sends the engagement video to his brothers because they have to see it. The brothers all praised Soobin about finding May. At this time, he sees Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. The eldest son says to the other brothers that they reopen the Zipnite trade with Bella and get ready for the wedding.

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  • Fifth son

He first appeared in the God's Lover (75). He last appeared in the 15. A.E. (3-3).

He and other brothers of Hyponne call to the eldest son and reproach him that he's so disrespectful because he did that to the nanny. He advises to the eldest son that they need to stop May instead by telling her how low her social status is compared to them, they've to make her realize that a civilian of another planet can't hang around with the noble of the planet Terra.

He calls and says to Soobin that he has his engagement ceremony at the planet Bella and the actual wedding here on the planet Terra, and he'll tell the nanny to prepare for the engagement ceremony so he goes focus on his study, and he hangs up. And he says to butler that he'll reborn as the youngest if he could because he can make that face and no one would say a word about it. And he says nanny can't know about their plan and he says about this. Without a notice, 3 of the fifth son's in-law will visit there and they'll run into each other, then nanny will have no time to have May prepared for anything. So until the his in-law arrive, the butler shouldn't in any case, let them know that they're coming. The rest is on the his in-law will prove him right about the girl that she's a gold digger who treats the old woman nicely, lures an innocent and naive noble guy, and plans to take the noble family's fortune. God connects to the A.N.G.E.L. server and searches for May. At this time, God hears he explains to the butler that he plans to harass May.

The nanny says to him that they lost connection with them after the cruise party. He rants that the planet Bella have planetary probe satellite. The nanny shows the explanation from the school. The fifth son says he has never seen a more half-hearted response and he thinks it's because they're from another planet, so it's not that they can't find them, and they aren't really looking for them. He says they'll find them on their own, but before they'll first let them know how influential they're.

The third son sends the engagement video to his brothers because they have to see it. The brothers all praised Soobin about finding May. At this time, he sees Bella uses light to display the word WE ♡ MAY. The eldest son says to the other brothers that they reopen the Zipnite trade with Bella and get ready for the wedding.

7 months later, he calls and says to Soobin that a strike from courier service employees turned into a violent protest and he doesn't know exactly what's going on though, all he knows is that it also stopped the logistics business at other Silverquick's stations, and it's also affecting their schedules indirectly, so, he's going to has to take care of some paper works for him. Soobin says he got assignments of his own, and he need to focus on school work. He says it won't take that long and asks what about his baby then. Soobin says that's because they're a college couple full of love, and May is loving it and he's her servant, basically, and he'll review the paper works and send them to his asap, and he says tell May that he said hi.

  • Butler of Hyponne family: He first appeared in the God's Lover (73). He last appeared in the (110). In the planet Bella, he hears about May. The eldest son confirms May's identity through him. The fifth son says to him that he'll reborn as the youngest if he could because he can make that face and no one would say a word about it. And the fifth son says the nanny can't know about their plan and he says about this. Without a notice, 3 of the fifth son's in-law will visit there and they'll run into each other, then nanny will have no time to have May prepared for anything. So until the fifth son's in-law arrive, he shouldn't in any case, let them know that they're coming. The rest is on the fifth son's in-law will prove him right about the girl that she's a gold digger who treats the old woman nicely, lures an innocent and naive noble guy, and plans to take the noble family's fortune. God connects to the A.N.G.E.L. server and searches for May. At this time, God hears he explains to the butler that he plans to harass May. He says to the nanny that the daughter-in-law are here. The nanny says the daughter-in-law are without a notice. The daughter-in-law come into the room. He says the board of Saint Tetra university heard that the sisters-in-law are in the planet Bella and wants to have a welcoming party for them and they asked them to send them a list of names that will be at the party on a cruise. At December 24th, he says to Soobin that he just moved the engagement ceremony to the garden of the cathedral. The third son says this is early summer weather.
  • Maid of Hyponne family: She appeared in the God's Lover (93). In fact, she's Duke Gosan's spy. She asks to Gosan that he's calculating how much he can get if a war breaks out between them and he said he'll stop making money like that. Gosan says that's right but this is the best way to make money thought. She says to put a calculator away now and asks where's Doctor Kitten and Mayhen right now. Gosan answers he doesn't know and maybe they went shopping. And Gosan requests her that get him some wine.
