Gosan (고산, Gosan) is a character in Denma.
He's a Duke. In the past, it turned out that he has father. He's said to be even worse than the Duke.
He wears something on his head. It's resembles a bread bag or a paper bag or a milk carton or a lunch bag.
He taps on a calculator like his cousin, the Director of Pax Industries. But he always knows early about the El family than his cousin.
He's the largest shareholder of the Pax Industries.
His hobby is boxing.
He always keep the promise that he made when he was drunk. It's presumed to be restricted to certain conditions when the Duke offering drinks, and El embraced it would be a great honor for him. The Duke's son, he also has a special and symbolic meaning to have a drink when readers analogize that he had a sworn brother while drinking with the owner of planet Bella.
He knows Yahwah's real identity.
Haggler is his personal bodyguard and he's the one he always keeps around.
His paper bag's eye holes are adjustable.
He has a grudge against the old White Police Guards.
He might've taken management classes and learned how to be an emperor, but there's no way he can beat his cousin' managerial skill out in the field.
His friend is Hamel. Hamel seems to be wearing his bread bag alternately with him and acting for him.
In A Catnap (54), in the planet with Gosan family, a White Police Guard calls to the Duke. He calls to the Duke. The Duke welcomes to him, and says he came back from the trip with his friends.
The Head Bishop says to Dr. Kitten that he just received a message from the archbishops and he's meeting the Duke soon, and they'll kill him all depends on the outcome of their negotiation. Kitten asks at least let the boy live. The Head Bishop answers for the sake of keeping the balance between the Patron alliance, the boy shall live. So when Kitten hears the Duke will die soon, he goes to him and shouts he's crazy bastard. The Duke calls Kitten to friend and says he's simply trying to end this long rivalry with other families, once and for all, and he doesn't want his son to live in a world of endless war. The Duke hugs to Kitten and says if something ever happens to him, he want him to take care of his son. Kitten cries and recalls. Kitten thinks he's sorry for the Duke, but he'll protect his son.
In 1. A.E. (6) - Ch.499, Ran prophesies the Duke will be brought to trial under the U.C.S. rules, meanwhile, his deal with the church will come to fruition and his family will be feared by the entire universe eight, and Kitten must kill him before the verdict is delivered and cover it up as a suicide so that his son won't hold a grudge against them of this universe, and if by any chance he does hold them accountable, that will ruin them all, and he'll probably try to hide his identity forever for what his father's done.
In Chapter 2 2. A.E. (5), it's reveals that, the Duke was certain of his impending demise, and for him who will be left all alone, he felt the need to make a strong impression throughout the entire universe so that no one would dare cross or defy his family and he needed a just cause to make a move, and the unfortunate incident with Deva gave him the opportunity. The U.C.S. and the Patron alliance after witnessing all the atrocities that took place on Aorica they felt scary to the terror, because it showed how far he can go for the White Police Guards, and the firepower demonstrated by his private army was shocking to say the least, and it was more than enough to strike fear in the most powerful men in the universe eight, during his trial, had it not been for his alleged suicide, he would've been the center of attention around the entire universe just he wanted. After discussing the matter with the Patron alliance, the U.C.S. came to three decisions, the White Police Guards is to be disbanded immediately, but then of course, those security details laundered their identity and scattered away long before the U.C.S. verdict, last but not least, they held him, his heir, responsible, and he's fined a ludicrous amount of money for what his father had done, apparently, they wanted to dismantle his family for good, and although it may seem it work, but more people than ever are lining up to make a connection with his family, and with his recent business expansion, he was able to pay off the fine in less than three years, and he grew up to be the most influential man in the universe eight just as he wished, and after his death, he kept himself hidden for safety reasons, so no one knows what he looks like.
Although there're some nobles presumed to be him, but it's a speculation at best, and there're even rumors going around that the real he died years ago and the one they've right now is only his doubles, in short, only a handful of people know who he's. Among the nobles, Hamel is included.
About a decade later[]
In God's Lover (78), about a decade ago, when his agent gave the nanny of Hyponne family books about the laws and rules of their business. And his agent says he's pleased to see that the kids turned into great men with nanny's dedication, and he wants her to stay with the Hyponne family as long as she can. Then his agent says the nanny will just be becoming one of the family's business agents, and she just need to does what they tell her to does, and these'll help her understanding what her are doing, so she should be able to find out what their business is about as her read them through. As the brothers of the family grew up, he took over the family management and maid robots replaced her nanny duties.
When the nanny of Hyponne family became one of the Hyponne family's business agents the wives felt uncomfortable about it. The wives says how could the duke let a hag like a nursing home.
A few years later[]
In God's Lover (92), 1 year 1 month ago of at this time, the Hyponne family stops the Zipnite trade with the planet Bella because they aren't doing their best to find them. The planet Terra offers the lowest Zipnite price, and the planet Bella will be taking a blow in medical, food, clothing, construction, transportation are basically all sectors, and the Hyponne family is under his protection so they have a lot of power. The Hyponne family will come in a family-owned battleship equipped with searching devices. The planetary ruling committee think the Hyponne family is going to declare war against them if their family is dead.
But the Hyponne family don't think the war. The Hyponne family think the family is always first and they're just putting a little pressure by sending one of their battleships to planet Bella. Then if the worst happens, they'll stop trading Zipnite with the planet Bella once and for all will be a more efficient way to avenge than a war.
In (93), he appears. In fact, a maid of Hyponne family is his spy. He taps on a calculator. At this time, the maid who was infiltrating the Hyponne family asks he's calculating how much he can get if a war breaks out between them and he said he'll stop making money like that. He says that's right but this is the best way to make money thought. The maid says to put a calculator away now and asks where's Doctor Kitten and Mayhen right now. He answers he doesn't know and maybe they went shopping. And he requests the maid that get him some wine. When the maid left, he says if a war breaks out between Bella and Terra will make a ton of money off of it.
The another board member of the committee asked him for arbitration and they're waiting to hear from him now. He says to his butler that if he doesn't take the committee's gift they'd suspect him when something happens. When he taps on a calculator, it reveals Hitas. The another board member of the committee laughs there's a reason why he's known as a freak and so he wants the popera artist Hitas from their planet Bella to perform on the road whenever he wants, and they can do that for him. His butler says to the eldest son of Hyponne family that they don't use the battleship, and instead to take a passenger ship. The eldest son says to the third son of Hyponne family that he didn't know Bella also had a connection with him and they must have asked him for arbitration. He orders to loaded the cargo into the passenger ship of the Hyponne family. He says to his butler that the planet Bella's scanning device won't find it because it's a brand new anti-gravity bomb that can only be detected after going through 20 steps of automated assembly procedure.
After God stole the bomb, his butler reports the bomb was stolen. He calls Daniel. Daniel visits his butler by opening a portal-like circular space, and grabs his head.
God manipulates the cafe's robot and runs and visits the culprit and beats him. Daniel, who received his orders, to beats the cafe's robot and bring the cafe's robot and culprit to planet Terra. God thinks the cafe's robot is disconnected and it means that it's outside the network.
He knocks out the cafe's robot with a baseball bat and orders to Daniel that he doesn't want the avatar and he want him to bring the one that actually put his hand on the bomb.
God visits and bring a bomb for gift to the owner of planet Bella and says there's someone who's trying to start a war between Bella and Terra with this and if he didn't stop a bomb from getting assembled, it would have a war. At this time, Daniel is teleports and comes and knocks down the robot and brings the owner of the planet Bella to him. He asks to Daniel that the owner of the planet Bella is the guy who messed with his bomb.
God thinks the terrorist must have taken the owner of planet Bella is actually better since the problem is now solved but he wanted to make a deal with the guy.
The owner of the planet returned safely in a few days drunk. The owner of planet Bella say goodbye to Daniel that please send his regard to his brother and tell him that he'll invite him to Bella soon. Then the owner of planet Bella grabs God and says his gift saved the planet Bella plus, he has a sworn brother now and he knows God is the ghost inside the network.
1 year later[]
In Chapter 2 2. A.E. (2), Cell explains there's a rumor that the reason El could be so successful was because of the Duke who's his father's support. Denma asks who's he because he has never heard of that name before.
Cell explains his information to Denma. Denma thinks he doesn't like him.
Cell says currently, there're dozens of Quanx abilities delicately put together, which delicately form what appears to be a planet in front of them, and that is the proof that the White Police Guards which is the Duke left him never disbanded, and rather, it still exists to this day.
Yahwah sees statistics. Yahwah thinks the recent merger made the El family becomes the largest shareholder of the Sten Industries and Gold Wing put together, and he's amazed their financial growth reached this level, and their financial status is just below that of his family, at this rate, by next year they would be the most powerful family in the universe eight, and it might look like El is trying to walk on a different path from them, but if the people look into the type of businesses that his buying right now, and his bold attitude as if saying he can overthrow him anytime he wants, so it means he's trying to reach the top, past him.
Yahwah thinks what he need right now is an incident so huge that they won't care about his escape, something that could cause a panic across Silverquick, the church, and the U.C.S. altogether, and that's the only way he can survive, the only way he can be safe from the church, and to accomplish that, he have to get El involved no matter what. Yahwah thinks he's a recluse of the most powerful family in the universe eight, and Count El who seeks to overthrow him along with the system, and Pax Industries and Silverquick are his munitions factory and logistics company, versus Sten Industries and Gold Wing are El's and they're very fitting symmetry. Yahwah plans to the battle between he and El and it's the galactic war of the universe eight.
Hazz kicks Marvin's shin. Hazz angry and shouts he did the M&A to the Sten Industries and Gold Wing approved without his consent, so he trying to ruin everything they worked for, and he does something around their young master. The young master who've a penis nose says he ordered Marvin to do that and the longer they drag this out, the only thing they're getting is more flies, and if Hazz think about the cost it'd take to get rid of all those nuisances, and it's cheaper this way, and that's what he taught him so don't put this on him.
Hazz says when the business index gets out and the Gosans find out about it, and they might take it the wrong way. Cain angry and shouts Hazz should shut up about him, and they to bow down to his family and they're so great because they blew up a planet but they don't have to be scared of them for it, and this M&A got them enough firepower to fight them.
Hazz says Cain is doing exactly as he expected, and his decision on the merger was actually commendable. El says he's worried and this incident is a blatant act of defiance against the Gosans. Hazz says but there're other noble families who also seek his empire to fall, and as secretive as they're, they still support the El family. El says but the El family is up against him, who's said to be even worse than the Duke, and the day he decides to bring his White Police Guards in here, without much thought about the consequences. Hazz insists it's impossible for the Gosans to carry out a terrorist attack on the El family, and most of all, they can control the White Police Guards. El says there's no way the El family can break an organization with lasted over twenty years. Hazz says the older and stronger they're, the easier they break, and let him tell El how he have muddied up the White Police Guards so far.
Hazz says, the lower class nobles, who were threatened by the Duke's brutality, had no choice buy to hire additional security details that they didn't need, and they didn't come cheap either, and after a few years, the Gosans could recover from paying off the penalty fine, but the U.C.S. kept them under close surveillance, so he couldn't call back his White Police Guards, and all he could do was to manage what goes on inside of them, which included recruiting the new ones and taking care of all the former guards who either died, retired, or quit, and even the new recruits were sent off to another planet immediately, and their sense of belonging to them only weakened, and all they did was chat over the network every now and then, their seniority also faded away within the guards, and their organization was falling apart, and the guards, who were sent to peaceful planets without much to do, felt solitude and boredom, not to mention being an outcast, and there were even some cases where they had a run-in with the local security details, and it only got worse, and everybody grew tired. El asks what do Hazz plan to do with the White Police Guards. Hazz answers he plan to buy all the White Police Guards.
El says they'd be no better than a bunch of crooks if they did that, and they can't stoop so low, and even their supporters will turn their backs on them, and he doesn't want people to think of them as the second Gosans. Hazz says, but the El family aren't going to buy the White Police Guards off and they'll make them eager to be hired by them. El says even if what he said was true, the White Police Guards had still be too loyal to the Gosan family so they can't buy their loyalty with money. Hazz says what hasn't changed over the past twenty years was the White Police Guards' monthly paycheck which was never delayed, and they weren't even paid by him, and they were paid by the nobles they were sent to protect, and as extraordinary as they may be, as an unaffiliated individual exposed out in the open, the Quanxs have to no chance against the systematic Savoys, of course, a strong organization will never be swayed by gambling, but what they can do is to corrupt the individual order within their group and their tension. Hazz orders to Marvin that he should send a monthly paycheck El's Five Finger member is getting to one of the White Police Guards who's gone broke over gambling debts and make it look like a mistake. Marvin calls to Bowl cut and he introduces that he's an accounting manager for the Count El of planet Urano, and he says he's terribly sorry to inform him that there has been an error in their system, so they mistakenly wired the monthly paycheck of one of their own White Police Guards to him. Marvin says, he guess it's true that all the White Police Guards have the same account numbers except for the two digits at the end, and he asks Bowl cut can wire the money back to this account. Bowl cut sees the money and surprised. Marvin says that's just for one month, and this goes without saying, and he asks Bowl cut don't tell anyone about what he just saw, because confidentiality is key when it comes to the wages of the El family's White Police Guards. He orders after that "annoying" phone call, Bowl cut will start calling about a guard position opening within a week, and he should say something. Marvin says to the one White Police Guard that the El family do have some job openings at the moment and they'd love to have him on board with them but with his current affiliation with the Gosans puts them in a difficult spot. Once Bowl cut realizes this matter is beyond him, he'll start talking with his closest member, soon enough, all the members of the White Police Guards will find out what Urano has to offer to them, and those with gambling debts will be the first to call the El family, then one by one, every one of them will contact them individually, without telling others, then Marvin tell them their supervisor has thought about his offer and wanted him to tell him that he'll gladly take him in when the time is right, and they hope that day comes soon. Marvin's junior gives Marvin to green tea through his thermos. But Marvin declines his junior's green tea, and he takes out his thermos and drinks green tea. Marvin says the White Police Guards already got three more calling them. Marvin says he doesn't blame the White Police Guards and they're paid eight times the wage they get, so no wonder it seems tempting. Marvin's junior says Marvin really gotta hand it to Hazz. Marvin sorry for the White Police Guards. Marvin's junior laughs and says that what if they end up buying the whole White Police Guards. Marvin says he knows right.
El says that's a risky move so this isn't like Hazz. Hazz says it might look a foolish plan, but there's a good reason for it. Lot and Gaya talk to each other. The rumor seems to be true, because about Gaya's friend who she recommended to the Gosans 'cause he's one of the top class combat Quanxs but he's been assigned a totally different duty, other than that of their White Police Guards. The rumor is instead of his father's old White Police Guards, he's making his own new White Police Guards, one he could call his own. He did bother recruiting the newbies to the field, because he's trying to eliminate the possible threats, and their individual firepower might be lacking, but once the Quanxs are affiliated, they could pose a threat to the Gosans or to the White Police Guards, that's why he recruits them first as them, then scatter them away all throughout the universe eight. Hazz says he plans to sort out his father's White Police Guards who became estranged over the past two decades, and absorb the potential threats by recruiting them, so he's trying to make new White Police Guards.
The accountant calls Marvin's junior to Ayn and asks who does he think is the strongest of all the White Police Guards. Ayn answers of course, those two are quite strong, but he bet is Haggler, who's the one Duke always keeps around, and he wouldn't have made it as his personal bodyguard if he's weak. At this point, Marvin appears briefly behind Ayn. The accountant says Haggler is the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall.
Glyph of forehead says the El's Five Fingers haven't heard a word from the Gosan family for over a year now, and they never once issued a draft either. White man says the Gosan family really getting rid of the El's Five Fingers, like the rumors say, and he explains the rumors that he's disbanding the old White Police Guards that the Duke passed down to him, and making a new police force. Glyph of forehead asks who would Federick choose if he had to choose either he or El. Federick asks to Lot that he knows it'll never happen, but if he really abandons them. Lot says Federick and he get whoever's paying more as his new master.
His cousin calls to Mayhen and asks where's her master. Mayhen answers he's getting changed. At this time, he calls to his cousin and taps on a calculator and asks what brings him here. His cousin says he knows exactly the El family's latest move so how he's going to respond to that. He says he'll congratulate El. His cousin says what if the El family overpower the Gosan family. He says it's called a free market, so this is completely within the El family's rights. Then his cousin stares into the sky and says to the Duke that he can trust him when he says he never taught him like this. He also looked up at the sky and says to the Duke that that's not true, and his cousin definitely taught him this way. His cousin says if the Gosan family are not careful, the El family will end up buying of the Duke's entire White Police Guards. He says whatever, and he doesn't care if the El family buy the White Police Guards off or not, and it was obvious that he didn't want them anymore when he didn't call them in. His cousin says he's gonna give up the strongest security force in the entire universe eight. He says the best there ever was, one that could blow up an entire planet, but they did ever do for the Duke when he died. He angry and shouts what did those mighty security guards ever do for the Duke when he needed them the most, and they didn't any of them stay by his side, and his paper bag's eye holes are adjustable. His cousin says he don't make this about the Duke's death, and he can think about what will happen if someone else gets a hold of their powers. He shouts that's why they've kept them for over twenty years, and all because they were scared of their powers, and that's why he has been putting together his own White Police Guards. He shouts he doesn't want to end up like the Duke, and he's not dying before he get anything from the old White Police Guards for all the hospitality they've given them. He shouts he want to sell all the old White Police Guards to El right now, so he can wipe them off with his own White Police Guards.
Marvin sees a hologram in front of Ayn and says that he has just finished hacking their transmission and he'd better report this in. Then Marvin's hologram is visible to Mayhen. At this point, it's able to supposes that Marvin could be a spy in the Gosan family, or the Gosans monitoring to the El family. Mayhen reports this to his cousin that this is the list of every White Police Guards stationed elsewhere, who tried to make contract with El, and not only does it show their intention to work for the El family. but also the exact amount of the salaries they were promised. His cousin surprised to this because this many agents were compromised. His cousin goes to him who takes off his bread bag and sees the hologram. His cousin is surprised to see his face, and says he told him that he shouldn't take off that bag when he's around. He angry and says after all that money the old White Police Guards took from the Duke, they'd turn their backs on their own master. At this time, he's bald, unlike the last his appearance, and smaller than his looks. His cousin says he came here to calm his nerves down. He says his nerves can't calm down twenty years, and now that he has proofs of the El family's true agendas right here, he's going to crush them all into pieces. At the moment, Dr. Kitten observes this conversation. It's presumed that Kitten remains for the Duke's will who wants to keep him, but he's reporting the information in here to the Church of Madonna. He says the old White Police Guards is just paying for their incompetence for letting the Duke's die. His cousin says that would lead to a war and even if they managed to wipe the old White Police Guards all out, and he asks what will he do with their vacant spots, but before they get to that. His cousin angry and shouts that he should cover himself with the bag because he can't concentrate here. He accepts this and says as for the expatriate duties, he'll fill those spots with ones with weaker powers than his new White Police Guards and he won't leave them vacant, and once they wipe out those old White Police Guards has-beens, to save the trouble and avoid drawing attention from the U.C.S.'s auditing team, just send out recruiters to those outer stations, from there, they'll procure Quanxs directly.
Now, his face is reveals, but his face is exactly the same as the Duke's face, so his cousin is burdens.
1 month later[]
In 15. A.E. (2), a month later, the owner of planet Bella, formed brotherly ties, informs him that his cousin was trying to kill himself. He says he's actually the largest shareholder the Pax Industries. The owner of planet Bella surprises and says they're destined to be enemies. He says they must haven't known that they're sworn brothers and let him apologizes on behalf of them. He says he always keep the promise that he made when he was drunk. Daniel brings his cousin while he wears gloves and exercises with a sandbag. His cousin reports that, they received a report about the leakage of the Neuro-scanning technology so he tried to kill the owner of planet Bella, and he asks he know Yahwah from Silverquick's station 7. He answers Yahwah is shaman ghost. His cousin says Yahwah was talking about the breakup of Carlburn's Quanx Unit through U.C.S., so he had to respond. He says they're sworn brothers. His cousin asks did they have drinks together. He takes out the calculator and calculates the breakup of Carlburn's Quanx Unit. His cousin also takes out the calculator and says that has already been over with. He says since they're sworn brothers so they have to add the zero percentage of going to war with Bella on the list.
In Kuan's Fridge (50), Ran prophesies that due to the recent event on Moab also known as the Kuan's Fridge, there will be a major translation in the universe eight, it's several times harder to act powerless when the person is actually powerful than acting powerful when someone isn't, all that consistent hard work will finally pay off, the church will get a new partner, the strength of both the new and old White Police Guards are evenly matched, but his arrogance will lead him to make a fatal mistake, the bloody battle of Hypers will go down in the history of the universe eight, he'll lose this fight, and it'll lead to his downfall, and he'll step down from his throne, and the one who'll replace him will be El of Urano, as his era begins, the church's secret project, 'Denma' will commence, where Lord Joshua will be brought back to life. At this time, Denma appears.
The Senator meets him and says that he thought he was against disbanding Carlburn's Quanx Legion. He holds a Causality Calculator and says he was, but an unexpected variable has just come up, and he has become sworn brothers with the Master of the planet Bella. At this time, Dr. God is next to the Master of the planet Bella. Gosan says when he entered the condition of 0% chance of having a war against Bella, the result showed him that he'd get a massive profit when the Quanx Legion is disbanded, that's why he need help from the council, and it doesn't matter how, the Senator is able to as nitpicky as he can, and he may pressure the leaders of Carlburn and eventually disband them, and if he do that, he'll make sure to donate half of the profit he make afterword to the council. Sumai calls to Marvin who's holds his thermos lid, and says something. Marvin shouts that Master Hazz would never allows the drug to something. Sumai says this is a reliable message from those who were exiled from Moab, and it's not any normal quality or quantity he's talking about here, and what's inside are the Hourglasses. Marvin tells it to Mayhen, and it means that he's a spy of the Gosan family. Mayhen reports it to his cousin. His cousin runs to his room. He sits to chair and calculates to his Causality Calculator, and Mayhen is next to him. His cousin reconfirms to him that those are the drugs from Aorica. He says it seems that way. His cousin asks that what he's calculating now, and he answers just this and that. His cousin says if they really are the products from Aorica, then the rumor that a few members of the White Police Guards smuggled out a huge quantity of drugs was true. He stands up and says he's going to get those products back. His cousin says they're drugs, and he asks that why they would want to get their hands on that. He says if they really are products of Aorica, then the Duke bought them with his money 20 years ago, so obviously, they're the theirs to claim.
Orange hair sees a skull shaped spaceship flying away and he reads its memories. Orange hair says the spaceship is Carlburn Quanx Legion, and they're on their way to steal from him. Snowy hair tries to call to him because he mentioned Carlburn Quanx Legion before, so he'll ask to him. He gets the phone. After hanging up, Snowy hair tells to Orange hair that he told them to wipe Carlburn Quanx Legion all out without a trace in self-defense.
Orange hair reads a box and truck's memories and he floats two holograms. Orange hair sees White Police Guards Old Boys' information and the seniors who got dispatched to the El family's information, and thinks for now, let's send all this information to him right away, to find the object exchanged with the underground stratum, he needs the Old Boys' help. Orange hair reads a device which is with a box's memory, cut, and moves it to his hand. Orange hair thinks with this alarm device, he can lure OBs into the time and place he want, splendid, but first, he needs to see him. Orange hair and a box teleports.
He sit in a chair and sleeping, and there's a message in front of him. Orange hair calls to his cousin. His cousin says he's still asleep, if it's something urgent, Orange hair can just report to him. Orange hair says but he gave him specific orders to report to him directly. He wakes up and sees the message, and says to his cousin that he got a message. He sees two holograms. His cousin says so it was true. He says he knew it, that's what his cousin get for putting his trust in the wrong sorts, those ungrateful bastards. Orange hair reports that he has a box for him, and he orders he can bring it in. Orange hair with a box teleports. He sees an Hourglass, and orders he wants more details, so Orange hair should give him all the memories that he read at the site, hold on. He turns his head and calls Haggler, and his cousin and Orange hair see this, but strangely he isn't appears. His cousin came up with the Duke so he turns his head, he takes off his bread bag. Orange hair gives to his head that the memories. There's a strange sound in his head, and then it comes back to its original sound. He says it's interesting, and Orange hair should show it to his cousin as well. He wears his bread bag, and Orange hair shows the memories to his cousin from hand to hand. His cousin says the Devarim's long-term plan that the disciples of the church spoke of something, and he can't believe this, so the whole reason OBs entered the White Police Guards was to something. He orders Orange hair should bring the heads of the Devarim who're directly related with this, and the three Old Boys from the White Police Guards as well, make sure they're unharmed. Orange hair asks if they happen to collide with the church priests in the middle, they should avoid them. He says he's not scared of those fanatics, because he's Gosan, so get rid of anything that gets in Orange hair's way.
Snowy hair shots beam and pierces Carlburn's Quanx Legion's members.Sunglasses asks Orange hair found any trace of what they're after. Orange hair says he's afraid he has some bad news because his master just gave him a new order, as it turns out, they need the Old Boys too, and he thinks this is where they part ways, he also added that he should get rid of anything that gets in his way. Orange hair kills Scarlet hair and Sunglasses. Orange hair says Green hair don't push him, and he's only keeping he alive because he wants to send a message to the disciples. Snowy hair kills Bird, and Orange hair says Green hair can tell Church of Madonna to say out of their way, and they're not like those old White Police Guards that he was trying to keep in check, the overall personality is one thing, but they excel in every other way, including how fast they carry out each mission, or how well they do it, they were way too passive, so soft, some might say, if it was tension and prevention the old has-beens were after, they're here to strike fear, most of all, the master they serve would set them apart the most, they serve him, the true master of the universe eight.
His cousin angry and says that's reckless, and he having a conflict head-on like this is too risky, and he's literally declaring a war against the church body, if they don't cooperate with them, it's gonna cause severe damage to their entire business, and he's doing goes against the Duke's judgment. He sits on a chair and taps the calculator. He says those fanatics after all that money they took from the Duke, and now they're trying to ditch them. His cousin says that's something they can work on with negotiation, not with armed conflict, and it'll only give the church excuses, and he worked his ass off to clean up the Aorica incident's mess, and he should know better than anyone what price they'd to pay. He stands up and says clean up the mess is his cousin' job, and he's whining like a little baby when he's just doing his job, and he'll show those church bastards not to mess with him. His cousin says he shouldn't react so emotionally, and the church is planning something bigger than they imagined, and they just cooperate with them in case they take over the universe eight. He shows a hologram and says it's kill or be killed, and that's his cousin taught him, and he can take a look at this, and this is the business ventures that the El family got their hands on so far. His cousin sees the hologram and surprised because he never knew it would be this big. He says as the church get closer to their heinous goal, they probably thought it's safer to stick with the El family who has a higher reputation among the nobles of the universe eight, rather than the Gosan family who made a bad name for their-selves, as soon as things go sideways, they'll blame them for funding their agenda, and the El's will never miss that kind of opportunity. His cousin says they need to hide their powers. He says this is what they got for hiding their power, and the Duke took those bastards in, and the church turned against them, it's time for action, they need to let them know they're the center of the power. His cousin says then in the end he's just following the Duke's footsteps. He says he's not going against the Duke's decisions, rather, he's following his wishes.
He says he won't miss this chance to teach those ungrateful dogs, include the El family a lesson in a way that no one can ever predict.
Hazz thinks this isn't just a simple change in the church's business strategy, and there has to be something more to this, and turning away from their old business partner, Gosan, and approach them.
Cain meets two staffs of Church of Madonna. The other staff of the church says as they were saying it looks like they've run into an impasse with the Gosan's in terms of managing the church business so they were looking for a new partner, and the news of them joining hands with the Gosan family's got out, which attracted a lot of nobles who expected a high profit, so they joined their church as new Patrons, and they saw it as an opportunity to like up with them, however, there were no immediate gains. The other staff of the church explains that, rather, the nobles were left with debts after faulty investment offers, and if they showed any signs of protest, they'd to deal with the White Police Guards, and after Gosan robbed them of everything, they quit the church, and they shared their stories of how they were wronged, on top of that, groundless slanders and rumors about the church body began to spread, some parishes even closed down recently. Marvin writes this content. In the baths, Marvin reports to Hazz that this is what Cain said, and he was right there, so he really didn't need to tap anything.
The Head Bishop's secretary asks how she's going to respond to the Gosan's provocation, though. The Head Bishop answers she's outraged, but first things first, they need to report the matter to the superiors, and they must get rid of those Devarim rats first, Gosan can wait, and with this major shift in the church business ahead, they still have no idea what kind of unexpected schemes they devised to get in their way, so they must find out what they're up to, and there shouldn't be any more unnecessary sacrifice because of them.
His cousin runs to him who's wearing gloves and beating a sandbag. His cousin says the El's have decided to buy off all the old White Police Guards. He says it's good, and that way, it'll be easier when they put all those bastards in one spot. His cousin says he's out of his mind, because he tries to hand the old White Police Guards over to the El's, and they're Duke's White Police Guards who'd the power to blow up an entire planet. He says that's right, twenty years ago, now the old White Police Guards is just miserable scums filled with boredom and gambling addiction. His cousin says he can call the old White Police Guards all in, and they'll regroup, but he says he'll wipe them off, and he'll show them how the dogs that couldn't protect their master end up. His cousin says he'll quit the work, and he doesn't think there's anything more he should do or can do besides him, and it's been fun while it lasted. He says his cousin doesn't dare shut that door and walk out, and he'll never see him again. His cousin says that's the idea, and he walks out and shut the door.
His cousin drinks the liquor and says to Dr. Kitten that he's getting weirder lately, and he feels like he's talking to a brick wall. Kitten asks that is his cousin really going to quit. His cousin says he have had it with this. Kitten says he knows what his cousin means, but when he leave, a lot of people will turn their backs on the Gosan's, and they aren't quite happy with how they distribute the profits, and he's the one who kept them happy all these years, who would wanna stay when he's not around any more, and let's face it, and everyone knows that he's the one who runs the Gosan family, at least, that's how he sees it, and the one who takes care of things is the true owner. Kitten explains that he might've taken management classes and learned how to be an emperor, but there's no way he can beat his cousin' managerial skill out in the field, and he were the one who saved Gosan family from the brink of downfall. His cousin asks what Kitten is trying to say. Kitten says it's simple, and he just want his cousin to take the matters more actively for the good of many, and he's on his side, of course. Glyph of forehead and White man say that most of the White Police Guards whose contracts with the Gosan's expired already signed the paper, and there hasn't been any summon order from them, so there shouldn't be any problem, but switching to another master isn't good.
Glyph of forehead says he means the El's Five Fingers see Count El all the time, but he can't even remember the last time he met him.
He calls to Orange hair and Snowy hair. Mayhen sees old White Police Guards' hologram and says she knows it doesn't violate any of the teams from their agreement, but how could so many of the old White Police Guards turn themselves over to the El's all at once without even consulting them. He orders that Orange hair see what's going on right now, from now on, he doesn't has any seniors, when he bring the heads of the Devarims and the Old Boys later, he'll run into his former seniors, he means the new Guards of the El's, so he should get rid of them and be as messy as he can, set an example for the rest, he wants them to know what happens to dogs who betrayed their own master, and doesn't hurt the El folks just yet, just kill the backstabbers who get in his way. Orange hair and Snowy hair appear, and he reads White man and Glyph of forehead's memories. White man reads memories, and transfers to Glyph of forehead and says this is the order he gave them.
Snowy hair says OBs don't be scared, and they're not here to hurt them. Orange hair reads OBs' memories and says that looks like they were about to leave this universe for good, and he's looking for them, and they can make a quick stop before they leave, unless they're in a hurry. Crescent moon says why would they go there, and they're retired and they don't answer to him anymore. Snowy hair says honestly, he doesn't really care what OBs think, all the matters is that he wants to see them. Orange hair says there's nothing to be afraid of, and he wanted them to bring OBs unharmed. Crescent moon angry and says do White Police Guards even know who they're, and they think the little pricks are so tough with those white suits on. Snowy hair says they're only being polite, because it was his orders. Shaved ice seller says what Snowy hair is gonna do about it. Snowy hair rolls up his right sleeve. Orange hair says OBs asked for this. Lot wears his suit and says to Gaya that it looks like he's pretty pissed off at them. Snowy hair tries to use his beam ability, and says that this won't kill OBs but it'll hurt like hell. At this time, Snowy hair's right arm explodes. Lot teleports and says that now he's pissed off too.
Shaved ice seller asks that why would he want to see them. Green guy answers that he mentioned the Devarims, so he must've found out about everything, and he'll get rid of them the moment he finds where it went. Shaved ice seller says that, without a doubt, maybe that's the future Aaron saw in his dreams, his White Police Guards will barge in here soon, it's gonna get messy. Green guy sighs, and says so that's it, the Intersecting Space really is their only way out of this. Shaved ice seller says he seeing Lot just take out his guards like that, it feels like something inside him is awakened, and they were once the White Police Guards, and they used to blow up an entire planet, so they can't afraid of this, besides, they haven't got to lose. OBs are teleport. Lot holds to Orange hair's beheaded head and teleports to the Gosan family and says that, not much has changed around here. An old man who's sweeps to ground, he recognizes Lot. Lot asks that how have the old man been and is he here. The old man asks that what's that Lot is holding in his hand. Lot answers that it looked like their junior lacks some manners, and this is just to make his point. Daniel teleports and says that, he isn't lacks manners, and he judging from his looks and the attitude, he must be that "Lot" who uses Combination skills. Lot says to Daniel that he doesn't know him, background guy number three, and he don't call "Lot" him because he's his senior, and he should go get his master. Daniel says for his fallen brethren whose head Lot just beheaded, he'll finish him where he stand.
Lot angry and says to Daniel that he can't finish him. Federick calls to Lot and shouts that, does he even know what's going on right now. Lot says to Daniel that he should zip it and as for him, he'll swallow his filthy mouth in one bite. Daniel says it's gross. Lot answers to Federick that he's at harem where their spoiled little Duke is, and apparently, he's gonna teach a lesson to his dogs that betrayed their master, and their little self-righteous Duke here who just kept the leash on and never bothered to give two shits about his guard dogs is going to get rid of his old dogs with his new ones, when all they did was getting fed up with his negligence. Lot throws beheaded Orange hair's head to Daniel and asks that, he would be pissed off or now. At this time, Lot bites Daniel's face part and spits it. The old man angry and shouts that Lot is crazy. Lot says he's not the one who's crazy, and he's, and he needs to have a word with him. Daniel's face part is recovering, and he says his master is busy. He's embarrassed to see the holograms, and taps on Causality Calculator. He says the Silverquick's courier ships going off course, and this doesn't make any sense. He tries to call to his cousin. His cousin don't respond, and sees holograms. The new White Police Guards teleport to him.
The White Police Guards and he arrive to Daniel. He asks that what Lot is doing here, and what happened to those guards he sent, and he sees Orange hair's severed head. He says Lot is annoying little prick, and he's always noisy and disrespectful, so he never liked him. Lot shouts that after everything they've done for him, and this is how he treat them, and he can't throw them away like a piece of trash, and they didn't betray him, and he abandoned them, and if the Duke was still alive, he would've slapped him on his face or a paper bag whatever. A White Police Guards member says to Lot that he's crazy son of a bitch. He orders to the White Police Guards member that he should wait. He says it's a mess everywhere, and he let some dogs loose and they stab his back. He takes out the Causality Calculator and says the courier ships just randomly start a fight with the El's.
He breaks the Causality Calculator like Duke. He says screw it, whatever happens, happens, and he orders to White Police Guards that they should let Lot go. He says listen to him and listen well, El's new guard, he should go back to El right now and tell him that the El's get ready for war. His cousin sees this situation through hologram. Dr. Kitten says his cousin can stay calm and collective, now, let's look at this situation objectively, and say there's a car with a broken brake in order to save everyone, he should fix the brake, but if it can't be fixed, there's only one thing to do. His cousin takes a gun out of the drawer. His cousin thinks that if they can't control him, they'll just have to get rid of him.
Hazz says that that the accident looks like the Gosan's are getting emotional and provoking them for buying off their old White Police Guards, and he asks that who would benefit the most from causing this mayhem, and he calls Marvin, and asks that if this wasn't a simple accident, who's he think is behind this. Marvin answers that he's not sure, and he doesn't think it's him, unless he's an idiot, and he'd have to say the church body of Madonna, after all, they're the ones who'd gain the most from the conflict of the two families. Hazz says that the church offer them a helping hand with one hand, and start a conflict between them and Gosan's on the other, but that's way too obvious, although it's not complete nonsense, but it's still odd. Cain calls to the Head Bishop's secretary and says that he's sure it's just an accident, and he knows there's no reason for the church to cause this intentionally, just like how they're not stupid enough to wreck their own ships and blame someone else, and there's no rush, and let's work this out, but here's the thing if this turns out to be Gosan's petty vendetta, they won't just sit still and watch, it has nothing to do with where the church stands, but in the end, they'll be the collateral damage, one thing's for sure, if they find out he's responsible for all this crap in their turf, he'll make sure they bring him to justice, which will go down in the history of the universe eight.
Cain sees two of El's Five Fingers' dead bodies, who're killed by surprise, and he pray for the repose of their soul with Hazz, Mori, Lot, Gaya, and Federick. Cain asks to Federick that his lap dogs who trespassed on his backyard did this. Federick answers that they got there as quickly as they could, but they were too late. Cain says Hazz bought off the White Police Guards without having a single word with him, and he brought those maniacs right into his front yard. Hazz says he has no excuses, and he should've been more careful, and he just didn't expect Gosan to react this emotionally. Cain says what if the Gosan family weren't after the Devarims, and what if they were after El or him, and he doesn't give a shit about them, and he's busy keeping his pockets full. Hazz says it's not. Cain angry and shouts that these corpses are proof that Hazz is just a greedy pig, and he's ungrateful, despicable bastard, and they took him in when he was starving on the streets, and now he thinks he own the place, and he knows what his little angle was when he let those Devarim bums in their house. Lot angry and says that Cain should stop whining, but Federick covers his mouth. Cain shouts that Hazz wanted to put them in harm's way, just so he can take over this family all by himself when they're gone, and just how stupid does he think he and El, so he's damn hypocrite, and he doesn't even wanna see his face, so he should get the hell out, and he's fed up with him, and as for those White Police Guards and the Devarims send them back to the Gosan's where they belong. Hazz says he's afraid he can't do that, because he's gonna sell the Devarims to the church.
Cain shouts that Hazz isn't fooling anymore. Hazz says just a moment, and he calls to Lot that he said he just met him in person. Hazz says he has always been and always will be on Cain's side, but this is an emergency, the clock is ticking as they speak, Lot says he brings a message from the Gosan family, so he may calm down and let's hear him out first. Lot says he doesn't know that's a little, he'll tell Hazz everything that happened there, and he won't leave out any detail. Hazz says what they need to know isn't just the message itself, but also the exact nuance as well, that's the only way they can plan their next move. Lot says to Mori that he should skip his private memories and the part where he got his ass kicked at Gosan's property, if he get a pay cut because of this, he'll make up for it. Mori sends Lot's memory to Cain and Hazz through his hair. Lot angry and grabs Mori by the collar. Cain smiles and thinks that now he sees he was just a dumb.
Cain says to Hazz that they teach that kid a lesson on what happens when he messes with them, and he said it himself, and they're gonna have a war orientation. Hazz says what he meant was they should prepare for the possible outcomes of his provocation, not start an actual war. Cain shouts that Hazz is pissing him off, then why he did buy the White Police Guards in the first place, and that spoiled little brat got pissed off and went apeshit in his own front yard. Hazz says there's a critical weakness in the scheme that Gosan and the church body has planned out on universe eight, and in order to use that in their favor, they also need the appropriate amount of forces to counter that, of course, he never expected him to react in such a crude manner, judging by the nuance of his words or the circumstances he doesn't think he was being theatrical either, this is a perfect chance for them, if they start the orientation for their guards, with the funeral of the two members who got killed by his men, Cain will gain their loyalty and it'll bring them together all at once. Cain angry and shouts that that's what he's saying, and they should use that momentum and attack Gosan right now. Hazz says that would be reckless because new White Police Guards aren't like old White Police Guards, and they're young and ready to fight, to fight them, they need some time to reorganize their forces, of course, even when they're fully ready, armed conflict would be a loss for both families, White Police Guards fighting one another, that's something they should avoid at all costs, and there will be nobilities in the universe eight who'll secretly welcome the conflict between the two families, they'll instigate them to fight, they shouldn't be swayed by them, at the same time, they should be aware of the fear, which his White Police Guards have made an impression on their business partners. Cain shouts and asks that, is get slapped on the right cheek and turn the other cheek to the Gosan's as well is Hazz's plan. Hazz answers that it's a just cause that will give them the support they need.
Hazz says that for now, they get the council engaged in the matter to calm him down, put him under their observation, thus preventing him from provoking them any further, when he can't take any action, he'll pressure his former business partners who're now their allies, with his new White Police Guards, that's when they step in, they'll be the knights in shiny armors who'll come rescue those nobles from him, as they label him as the lunatic and the public enemy on universe eight, pressuring him to his doom, and at the same time, they make friends with the real lunatics, the church, they'll become the new partner of the church body, this conflict with the Gosan's, it'll help them get a better deal with the church, by handing over the Devarims to them, who're a huge pain in their asses, it'll show them their will for sure.
His cousin tries to go to his room. A White Police Guards member and Daniel stop his cousin, because he's sleeping right now, maybe some other time he can meet him. His cousin angry and shouts to Daniel that why wouldn't he be sleeping, and he should get out of his way, right now. His cousin opens the door. His cousin shouts that he's idiot, and he shoots a gun to him who's sleeping. Aaron meets Cain and Marvin, and he gives him to a key. Aaron says it's a token of appreciation, if Cain will, for taking the Devarims in, and it's one of the keys to Kuan's Fridge, an object Quanx in planet Moab. Cain asks to Aaron that why exactly he's giving the key to him.
Aaron says Cain can forgive his curiosity, and asks that does here not have "The box of immorality" that has been handed down for generations. Cain says the box of immorality is just a made-up hokum, those filthy middle class folks really need to get a life. Aaron suddenly kneels and says in all those years of managing here, Hazz made sure the Young Master didn't get his hands dirty, and this is the moment he witness his vision firsthand, he truly is a remarkable man. Cain angry and shouts to Aaron that if he's gonna praise that bastard in front of him, he should get out now. Aaron says any noble family running a renowned business in this universe is bond to have a box of immorality of their own, it's a place where they deal with conspiracies, conflicts, and betrayal that might arise during business, and a place where they can get rid of anything troublesome without a trace, ever since the Space Patrol started hiring Quanx agents, the nobles needed a safer box of immorality, and they began using object Quanxs for this. Cain grabs Aaron by the collar, and says they provided him with a shelter, and that wasn't enough for him, and he'd dare try to bite their throats, and he sees where this is going, and he's trying to get him involved with that box of immorality or whatever, and use it as a leverage against them, and that's not gonna happen, and this isn't the first time he has met hustlers like him. Aaron says the peace and order of this universe isn't the Devarims concern, and the force that drives this universe is imbalance, there can be no such thing as equality, and the only thing that drives them is their own survival and wellbeing, and it's true they foresee the future, which is why they chose here as their refuge, like he said, that key is by no means anything other than a token of their gratitude. Marvin sees this. Cain throws Aaron and says that he foresaw the future and chose here, and he asks that does he even know what's gonna happen to him. Aaron says that's right and he's well aware, and Mr. Hazz will hand the Devarims over to the church body, but they return here again. Cain says to Aaron that he'll take the gift, then he has a few questions for him.
Aaron says that in this sense, this universe has already ended the moment it started, and they're just busy chasing after that course of actions in their own timelines, the greater being, this is the predetermined future, this is what Devarims see in their dreams, abiding by the causality means to make choices that will ensure their survival, within that predetermined future, they becoming the new master of the universe eight, that's the future Devarims saw. Cain asks to Aaron that is he saying that whatever decisions he makes the their future won't change. Aaron answers that to be exact, every decision Cain makes is within the causality of the El family becoming the new master of this universe. Cain asks that even when the decision is to hunt down the bastard who shat all over his front porch, and teach him a lesson. Aaron answers that that's right, and if it's carried out, that action will be within the causality, once inside an object Quanx like Kuan's Fridge, it even blocks the Quantum communication, once the door is shut, no Hyper-Quanx can teleport in or out. Marvin watches this. Cain says that he'll be dammed, and he says to Aaron that he'll be honest with him, and he actually like this plan of Hazz's, to hand him over to the church, he means, now he'll make him a promise, if they get what they want from this deal with the church, he promise him he'll get him all back here, whatever it takes, and thanks for the gift.
Marvin lies to Hazz that Aaron only just said thanks and nothing more. Hazz asks to Marvin that didn't Aaron does request or proposal of any kind to Cain and he asks that is it right when he just said thank him and that was it. Marvin answers that Aaron said he couldn't thank Cain earlier.
Hazz angry so he uses armbar to Marvin, and shouts that even in all this mess, he just couldn't miss out of the festival season so he's selfish bastard. Marvin says he's sorry. His bread bag appears.
Doctors operate on him. Mayhen and Dr. Kitten watch this. Kitten says to Mayhen that he'll step outside for a minute, and he goes somewhere. Daniel says to his cousin that if he look at it from their shoes. His cousin says that this had nothing to do with Daniel or his jobs, and this was between he and him. His cousin says that the White Police Guards worried that they'd take the blame for this, 'cause they were the guards on duty, but it was his call, so they doesn't have to worry about that.
His cousin says that in case the White Police Guards forgot their arrangements, there are only two people in this house whose orders they must follow, he and him, what they just witnessed was a fight between their two masters, so they see, there was never any room for them to intervene in the first place, there's no need to blame themselves. His cousin orders that the White Police Guards should stop getting all antsy and return back to their posts, and they should stay where they tell them to stay and wait for further instructions as they always do. His cousin taps a Causality Calculator. Mayhen says that the truth is she also thought that the Duke started to take it a little too far and he needed someone to slow him down, but this is there could've been other way, she means, his cousin can't just. His cousin says that he save the judgment on his actions for some other time, for now, they've more pressing matters at hand.
Dr. Kitten calls to the Bishop and reports that he gunned down by his own cousin. Kitten says that he gave his cousin a little push by calling him a broken brake, and it looks like he'd to make a choice, he, too, was surprised by his bold decision and action, and he's someone that can be reasoned with, someone they can talk some sense into, he'll understand the church's new stance on Gosan family and accept it. Kitten pours alcohol on the cup. The Bishop asks that what about the Duke's recovery. Kitten drinks and says he'll keep his eye on it, and the Bishop doesn't have to worry about that boy anymore. The Bishop says that Kitten have done them a huge favor, Doctor, she'll think of a fitting compensation for him, but right now, she should spread the news about the conflict within Gosan family to the nobles of the universe eight. The Bishop hangs up, and thinks that but he still has his guards. At this time, the Bishop's secretary reports to her that the White Snakes who were after the Old Boys shared the memory showing that his White Police Guards did at the scene with all the Quanx priests throughout the universe, and they got infuriated and started to vandalize their businesses. The Bishop says that it isn't bad, and it'd make his provocation a public issue, but it would be difficult to earn the sympathy of the U.C.S. and the nobles who're trying to keep them in check. The Bishop thinks that's why they need El family and their reputation, which will prevent them from interfering with them, the internal conflict of Gosan family couldn't have happened at a better time, according to the managers who they sent as spies in El's, El's son is also after him now, because of his provocation, the most powerful firepower the universe eight has to offer, the White Police Guards ones they're most wary of, if their White Snakes join hands with the old White Police Guards that they bought. The manager reports to Hazz that he was shot. Hazz asks that, is this from a reliable source, does Master Cain know about this as well. The manager answers that he gave the same report to Cain as well. Cain is pleased, and says that he getting shot, is what the old Devarim was talking about, and the church priests rising up against him. Cain calls to the senior manager and orders that he call the church right now, before any official meeting takes place, he should tell them he'll visit them unofficially, and he wants to be compensated for the courier ships incident with something else, he'll get even the with he and the church will help them.
The Bishop says that she's even hearing the news that the El family is trying to sell the Devarims over to them, when they sought refuge in El's, just like them, they're trying to take the most out of this situation where he's gunned down. He's near his cousin and Mayhen.
The Bishop invites Cain to the object Quanx the church use only for their special guests, it's a perfect place for an unofficial meeting. Cain says that he's offering him something they can both take part in, let's attack White Police Guards together. The Bishop says that Cain is quite straightforward, and she didn't know there would be so much raw energy inside the El family's formidable veneer. At this time, they're cross their legs but Cain's leg is facing Bishop, but her leg is pointing out. The Bishop asks to Cain that any specific plans on that. Cain answers that the battle will take place inside an object Quanx in Moab, so the council won't get to meddle, and to draw the attention of them, he'll personally catch him and use him as bait. The big guy sees him. His cousin calls the big guy to Haggler, and asks that when did he get here. Haggler answers that it's just now. His cousin says that he appreciates Haggler's hard work. Mayhen sees his cousin and Haggler. Haggler asks to his cousin that how did this happen. His cousin answers that it's due to circumstances, it had to be done. Haggler sees him.
Cain asks that the Bishop think his plain is absurd. The Bishop says that it sounds like something a little child would come up with, but which is why she thinks it's worth a shot, and it's so simple and radical, no one would expect it, but if Cain is gonna personally lay his hands on him when he's been shot, she thinks he'll need a more persuasive cause, his creative decisions and actions shouldn't being fear to the other nobles, it'll be different from that from the Gosan's, but fear nonetheless, besides, the church is being watched by the council, if they decide to join hands with him, the council members who were bribed by the Gosan family won't just sit and watch, for the El's, a just cause to ensure the support from the nobles, for them, a sound logic to go against the council, if there's something that cover these two matters at once, they'll gladly help him, because they wouldn't welcome White Police Guards. Cain thinks that he came to the church to give them something to think about, now it feels like he's going home with homework.
In the White man and Glyph of forehead's funeral, Hazz makes a speech that their deaths are the Gosan family's answer that the old White Police Guards who dedicated their youth to serve them with nothing but loyalty. There's old White Police Guards in front of Hazz. Hazz makes a speech that he who calls himself the ruler of universe eight wasn't say the acknowledgement for heroes who protected the Duke and he wasn't make a prior notice and handed over the reputation and worth they've built to the new White Police Guards.
In the planet Nekar, Marquess Hojo says to his henchman that he'll blabbed it all to the Gosan's, but it's okay because he's one of their mutts too, and his master's a dog, so it's only natural for him too. Hojo angry and shouts that just how far this bastard he does know about him, and if he want his money, it's fine so he'll give him as much as he want. Hojo orders to his henchman that he should shake that money out of every business right now, until they get that cash ready. Hojo's henchman says that his business operators have already been milked dry because of the festival, so if they doing it again would cause a serious revolt. Hojo says that it's he who wants his business operators' money, so his henchman should crush anyone who doesn't wanna pay up and while he's at it, he tell them the truth, and he tell them that all of this is in the glorious name of the self-proclaimed ruler of the universe eight, him.
Hazz meets Blue old man and Green old man that far away from home, abandoned by him, with no one to talk to, it's only natural the old mans feel into gambling.
Hazz says to senior manager that the White Warriors are the once White Police Guards were the best, but after he abandoned them, they became the most dangerous trash in this universe, and their loyalty was long gone when they came to the El's.
Hojo asks to his henchman that what would happen if that El's manager ends up dead while they were following his orders. Hojo's henchman answers that with the rising tension between the two families, it might set the fuse to the war. Hojo smiles and says that he just got an idea to screw over that prick him for good.
Hojo says to his henchman that listen closely to what he's about to tell them. Hojo's henchman uses his Telepathy ability and conveys his message to his guards that he'll be delivering the words of Marquess Hojo, because this is to prevent their memories of today's summoning getting read or released against their will by outsiders which is why he'll be delivering his true message telepathically. Hojo's henchman's device is shining when he uses his ability. Hojo says that they must do their part in collecting the U.C.S. contribution, which he, the ruler of universe eight, must pay, that is how they can repay the Duke's kindness make sure not to use any underhanded methods in the process. Hojo's henchman conveys that his guard should drain those peasants, ruthlessly, get rid of anyone who stands in their way, including women and children, be as cruel as they feel like, and if they resent them, tell them that they're just following his orders, so that all the hatred and resentment of this universe is pointed at him. Hojo pushes his screen and says that there's one thing his guards should especially look out for, this fella is said to be a manager from the El family. Hojo floats Marvin's face by his screen. Hojo says that this fella is being chased by the police, a long story, apparently, of course, he wanted to help him, but he's being accused of a serious crime, there was nothing he could does, and he seems to be on the run, hiding from the police, as his guard know, the tension between the Gosan's and the El's is building up, so make sure they don't hurt him if they come across him during their job. Hojo's henchman conveys his message that this fella is his guards' target and he wants them to get rid of him and make it look like an accident.
Hojo's guards kill a family's father. The other Hojo's guard bleeds on his head and says that the crazy bastard almost cracked his skull open with that goddamn bat. The family's mother wails to the other Hojo's guard that he suddenly show up in the middle of the night and rip them off so he's the crazy ones here. The other Hojo's guard grabs the family's mother by the hair and says that he'll show her crazy and he'll teach her not to yap her month, and he was trying to go easy on her 'cause she's a girl. The merchants see this situation and talk that he ordered Marquess Hojo to collect money for him during the festival, and they called the cops but they'll show up after those bastards are gone, so they must on Marquess' payroll too, and maybe they should just make a run for it at night but Hyper-Quanxs will catch them, so they may hide at the Sisterhood of Agni and get help from the Quanx priests there, of course if they find out they're being chased by Hojo's goons, they'll throw them out because they won't make enemies with those guys.
The other Hojo's guard throws things and says to father and daughter that they're here to collect the money they borrowed from them but they won't pay up. Father says to Hojo's guards that it's not that they don't want to and they can't because the festival has just started. The other Hojo's guard beats daughter and grabs father's hand and says that he'd dare raise voice at him, and he make it sound like he's the bad guy here, and he shouts to another people that this isn't Marquess Hojo's idea, he didn't want to force them to pay up, this is him, the ruler of universe eight's order, so they see, they're just following his orders, and they say they can't pay up, but there's an easy way to see if they really can't pay back or won't. The other Hojo's guard steps on father's back and says that if they want their limbs the way they're, they should bring the money by 6 o'clock. Another Hojo's guard finds a kid and shouts that someone is filming Hojo's guards right now. Sita shows that situation to Kane and ladies. Kane says to Sita that it could've been dangerous, so she should be more careful. Sita says to Kane that she was on her way here from work, and Hojo's guards were doing this everywhere, she tried calling the police, but they wouldn't show up. A lady asks to Kane that what if Hojo's guards come in the Sisterhood of Agni too. Kane answers that the Sisterhood of Agni is safe, and they don't owe Hojo anything, the problem is the merchants who deal with them, they'll all swarm to this place once his goon's get to them, which means they'll end up confronting the Marquess at some point, it's the last thing they need. Kane angry and says that damn nobles squeeze common folks dry without a drop of remorse. Kane says to the ladies that they may gather the Quanx priests and they'll prepare for the worst.
Hojo's guards beats people. A man shouts to Hojo's guards that this goes against the customs that have been upheld, and to hurt all these people like this, so Marquess is bad. A Hojo's guard says to the man that he told him that this has nothing to do with Marquess Hojo, and it's the order of him, who doesn't care about their customs, and the Duke is in urgent need of cash, so if they don't have the cash, they should at least pay by their organs.
Hojo's guards make people bleed and then tie them up and show them to others. The other Hojo's guard shouts to the people that they should take a good look at these fools, this is what happens when they don't meet the deadline and try to protest against them, and it's the will of the ruler of universe eight, him.
Blue old man shouts to the Devarims that he'll tell them one more time, they're members of the private security force of him, White Police Guards, as of this hour, they shall take over this ship. Aaron asks to the old men that what right do they think they've to terrorize. Blue old man shouts that as men under the shelter of the Duke, they couldn't bear to look away from their disgusting rebellion. Cain angry and shouts to the old men that do they even know who he's. Blue old man shouts to Cain that well if it's not the one meddling with the church behind the Duke's back, and he orders to Green old man that he should tie him up. Green old man ties Cain up. Cain shouts to Green old man that he should get their hands off him, at this instant. Blue old man shouts to Devarims that they'll be taking all of them to the Duke, there, they'll address him with respect, and ask for permission to the ruler of universe eight, himself. Blue old man finds someone and shouts that the person is filming this right now.
The ship falls into the garden of the Gosan family. Daniel and White Police Guards appear. Cain became old men's hostage and comes to the Gosan family. Blue old man shouts to the Gosan family that for the one true ruler of universe eight, him. The old men are gone. Cain says to his cousin that he's impressed to the loyalty of the White Police Guards of him.
Marvin sees an orange, bread and a cup of milk. Marvin asks to Sita who's eats bread that what's with the prison meal, all of a sudden. Sita answers to Marvin that too many people, and not enough food to go around, she was told. Marvin asks to Sita that why the heck is that happening during the festival. Sita answers to Marvin that she was told that it's because the meanie him, who's squeezing people too hard with their debt, and that he's a really mean bad guy. Marvin feels absurd. Hojo watches the record and asks to his henchman that what kind of dumb joke is this. Hojo's henchman answers to him that it's the biggest news spread all over the U.C.S. network. Hojo says that the Gosan's are on a path leading to self-destruction, and making the entirety of the aristocrats of universe eight their enemy, and that's fine by him.
His cousin smokes and reads a news, and asks to Cain that what in the world are the El's motives for such an absurd staged show. Cain says to his cousin that this is a clear act of terror from the Gosan's loyal mutts, and he seems to lack the capability to understand so he wants to talk with the leader, himself so he can arrange him a meeting with the Duke.
Kitten asks to his cousin that for this chaos to clear quickly, he thinks that gentleman should see the state of the Duke, himself His cousin rejects that because that would just give the other nobles a reason to think, that they can come face to face with him, just by throwing a tantrum. His cousin orders to Mayhen that she should send out a correction report first, and have it known how those folks are being treated in the Gosan's. His cousin orders to Kitten that it may be the most time consuming, but it's in their best interest to have the U.C.S. intercede the issue and have Cain and Devarims leave on their own.
Hojo watches a screen and laughs and says to his henchman that the colleagues who aren't happy about him are all rising up, this might be over four-fifths of the noble union, and it's making him confident, knowing that he's carrying out his will, under his own name. Monkey calls to Hojo and reports that the accountant's at the Sisterhood of Agni. Hojo orders to Monkey that he should keep a sharp eye on the accountant. Hojo's henchman asks to him that he'll signing the complaint sent over by the noble union. Hojo says to his henchman that his colleagues who know well about his feelings toward him, will be thinking that he'll sign it without a second thought, but he doesn't like this kind of protest that's all talk, he'll give the gentleman the physical boost that they need, to the safe-zone, Sisterhood of Agni, he'll take his hunting dogs and goes there himself, goes to find his rats that are on the run, and accidentally kill the accountant in the process, classic two for one, the main course was the Hyper loyal hounds of the Gosans kidnapping the El's successor, they're just here to serve the dessert, messing with the Go'el Church while doing the work of him, backer of the Church of Madonna, it could even lead to a collision between the two religions, however they slice it, he'll be handing him his greatest crisis yet, with he, the great Marquess Hojo's own hands. His cousin calls to the senator. The senator reports to his cousin that he can't afford to does that. His cousin says to the senator that he doesn't think he's in the position to say that to the Gosan's. The senator reports to his cousin that the U.C.S. is a complete mess with planet Koban suddenly disappearing, he just needs a little more time. His cousin hangs off, and says to Mayhen that it can't even find dogshit when the senator is looking for that. Mayhen reports to his cousin that it's true that the planet Koban is in a complete blackout, not even a single connection is online. His cousin taps a Causality Calculator and looks at the result, and says to Mayhen that if the Gosan's take too much time here, there will be a point where they can't recover from the loss, they're out of options, they've no choice but to let El's brat see him, he'll back off once he sees the state he's in.
Mayhen says to Cain that his cousin agreed to let him meet him, because it's best for him to see for himself to understand the situation and solve this problem. Cain calls to Hazz that finally, he's coming face to face with him. Hazz says to Cain that it'll be the moment the crown is brought over to the new ruler, he expects no less than a masterful finish to the job, from the ruler of the universe. Cain says to Hazz that of course, he's not thinking that he has the jitters, he's the great Cain, after all. Hazz says to Cain that but of course, he wishes Master Cain all his luck. Hazz hangs off and calls to Blue old man and Green old man who're eat a meal, and orders to them that he's sorry to interrupt their meal, they should report to him in White Police Guards attire, they're creating a new story, their part in this will be much greater, along with their payment.
Cain carries something on his neck by hand, and calls to Federick and says to him that he's at the Gosans' interview room, so they come to these coordinates, immediately. Aaron, Lot, Cain, Federick teleport and goes to where he's. Cain asks to Lot and Federick that they may face to face with the Duke will feeling a little uncomfortable. Lot answers to Cain that the Duke is the one who should be uncomfortable. Cain says to Lot and Federick that now that they're the El's people. A White Police Guard, his cousin, Daniel and Mayhen also goes to where he's. Lot and Federick see him and think something. Cain also sees him and thinks something.
Federick asks to White Police Guards that how long has he been in that state. Daniel answers to Federick that none of the El's guards' business. Lot angry and asks to Daniel that he would look at the month on this kid and he should oozing with cockiness. Cain says to his cousin that he didn't expect it to be this bad. His cousin says to Cain that it's why the Gosan's don't have the luxury to play games with him. At this time, Cain takes down his cousin and Mayhen with electric shock device. Daniel sees this and pierces the wall by his ability. Lot also pierces the wall and beats to Daniel. Federick also beats to a White Police Guard. Cain shouts to Federick and Lot that they should move to Moab with he and the baldy. Lot does it.
Blue old man and Green old man are surprised to hear Hazz's order. Cain calls to Hazz and says that he brought he and the baldy to Moab and they're about to head into the box of immorality. Hazz reports to Cain that he shall send over the White Warriors to the location, and he'll contact the church to have the White Snakes guard the perimeter of the object Quanx. Cain orders to Hazz that he should tell White Warriors and White Snakes to be cautious not the be spotted, until Gosan's White Police Guards come into the fridge, and he should prepare the Red Wolves for the possible retaliation of the Gosan's, and he'll coax the White Police Guards that come in to save him, and make them all join the El's, and he'll unify the new and old White Police Guards, the definitive firepower that he held in his hand, shortly, he'll take it all for himself, and just like that, as the El's guards rightfully should be, they'll be the greatest in universe eight. Hazz hangs off and smokes. Hazz smokes and orders to the old men that more words aren't enough to stop the coming conflict between the two forces of White Police Guards. Hazz orders to the old men that it's just as they heard moments ago, when the battle between the new and old White Police Guards begins, inside of the object Quanx, he wants them to stand by the entrance of that box of immorality, and make sure that not a single soul escapes from it alive.
Aaron, Cain, Lot, Federick and the other White Warriors see he and his cousin who's stunned. The other White Warriors, Lot and Federick think something. Lot whispers to Federick that is going on right now. Federick whispers to Lot that did Master Cain tell him anything about this. Lot whispers to Federick that he really thinks Cain would've told him something he didn't even tell him. Federick whispers to Lot that so what happens now. Cain speechifies to White Warriors that today, they write a new page in the history, of universe eight, he asks them to forget about their mistreated past of the Gosan's, and walk into their great future with the El's. Cain grabs Aaron's shoulders and speechifies to White Warriors that the Devarim is the evidence that the future is in the El's' favor, the Devarims have chosen them, the path their unwavering conviction carves out, is what will become the future of universe eight. Cain raises his hand and shouts to White Warriors that the ones who've seized the future, are the true new rulers, let them raise their hands they swear to walk this path together. White Warriors raise their hands. Cain says to White Warriors that soon, the Gosan's mutts will come, barging into this fridge. Cain holds him and shouts to White Warriors that Gosan's mutts will be witnessing the beginning of the El's' new era as well. Cain throws him to his cousin's body. His cousin awakes. Cain shouts to White Warriors that the new beginning he prepared that no one could predict, they and their juniors shall be the ones to complete it. Cain catches his cousin and shouts to White Warriors that now first let them get rid of their crumbling past. Cain pushes his cousin's back and shouts to White Warriors that they can slay this man, who'll it be, the one of to rise to the occasion. His cousin shouts to Cain that what the hell does he thinks he's doing, he has gone way past the line with this show of his, he thinks he can handle the backlash. Green White Warrior raises his hand and says to Cain that he'll do it. Cain says to Green White Warrior that to him, ten years' worth of his salary, will be given to him as a bonus. as soon as they get back. The White Warriors are surprised to hear that. His cousin is surprised and says to Green White Warrior that, he's insane if he thinks this will be something. Green White Warrior angry and says to his cousin that he shouldn't talk like that to his master. Green White Warrior uses his doughnut shape ability and his cousin is hit by his attack.
Cain holds him and says that next up is the Duke, himself. Aaron adjusts a chair. Cain sits him down in a chair, and shouts to the White Warriors that they should all know by now, what the little Duke in Kuan's Fridge, tried to do to them, and the motivation behind his murderous intent, was already well known by the nobles at their dispatch locations, he was planning to slay each and every one of them, for not being able to stop the death of his father, that's what the son of their old master tried to do to them, who sacrificed their youth to serve. Cain asks to the White Warriors that could there be a single soul in universe eight to blame them for what he chose, so, who'll be the one to finish him off. The White Warriors raise their hands. Cain says to the White Warriors that it's a lot of volunteers, he understand their rage, so a little something to scare his new pups that are soon to arrive, each of them should take off equal pieces of him, then they'll pile it back up where it was, if they can do that, he shall reward each of them in the fridge with twenty-fold of their salary. The old men arrive and see that the White Warriors raise their hands. Blue old man says to Green old man that his dogs must've not arrived yet, judging by how quiet it's. At this time, Haggler appears.
Cain asks to the White Warriors that for his jigsaw puzzle, did they decide who'll get the first piece. A White Warrior says to Cain that he's the eldest, so he shall start if off. The White Warriors' elder makes his energy and tries use to him. At this time, Lot uses Barrior ability to him and says to the White Warriors that everybody back the fuck off. Cain asks to Lot that will he be the one to start them off. Lot takes off his coat and says to the White Warriors that this is wrong, just so wrong, this isn't how a dog should behave, even if the Master abandons his dog, the dog should never abandon his Master. Cain is embarrassed and asks to Lot that he has already gone through with all of this but why now. Lot answers to Cain that he didn't know that he was planning to hurt him, his dumbass thought that he was just gonna yell at him and bonk him on the head a few times, and he's a dog that follows his Master's orders. Cain asks to Lot that is he saying that he's his Master. Lot answers to Cain that he's his Master's son. Cain shouts to Lot that then what he's. Lot answers to Cain that he's just his rich employer.
Federick says to White Warriors that it's make it two. Cain angry and asks to Federick that he can understand that dumbass, but he was after all the time they've stay together. Federick apologizes to Cain because he may have changed sides, but he just can't let he take young master's life.
Cain angry and says that he gets it now, the reason why his daddy had them sent to the El's, it was because of that pathetic loyalty of theirs, making them cause stupid inconveniences in this already decide battle, and he'll give them one final chance, so they should kill him. Lot and Federick put up their dukes. Cain angry and shouts that their act as tough as want, it's still just the two of them, how could they possibly take on the entire White Warriors. At this time, Haggler appears behind him. Haggler holds his cousin and says that there were actually a few who decided to protect him. Haggler thumbs up and says to Lot and Federick that they can good luck. Haggler goes to the outside and says that he'll be waiting in front of the door. Haggler closes the door and says that Lot and Federick can do their best. Haggler teleports to the Gosan's. Everyone is embarrassed. Lot angry and says that he can take all of the White Warriors. Federick says to Lot that he can buy him five minutes, he'll use that time to get the young master to safety. Lot angry and shouts to Federick that how 'bout he stay in the fridge. Federick says to Lot that, like he doesn't knows anything about fighting. Cain asks to Aaron that why is the situation suddenly flowing this way, and is this how it's supposed to be happening. Aaron answers to Cain that he couldn't see it, but these were surely expected events, let him reiterate for him, the reason the Devarims have entrusted their safety to the El's, is because with this event, the reigns of universe eight are taken by the El's from the Gosan's. Lot says that he's starting to regrets this. Cain shouts to the White Warriors that those two fools have just betrayed him, the ruler of universe eight, so they should kill them. Lot and Federick put up their dukes again.
Monkey reports to Hojo that his guards have eliminated the remaining Quanx priests. Hojo says to Monkey that simultaneously, his guards have caught all the runaway rats in this place, it's good work. Kane asks to Hojo that why did he has to go so far, this meaningless manslaughter. Hojo says to Kane that he told her already, it was a self-defense to protect himself and his land, so Miss nun should try putting herself in his shoes for a second. Kane says to Hojo that he can't get away with murdering all Quanx priests and he thinks he can handle the backlash. Hojo says to Kane that it's not a religious person talk, also, he's not the one who's responsible for this, all of this is his will, she and him, all of them, they were living happily and peacefully together, although they were a bit fatigued with the preparation for the festival and all the guests, but he suddenly demanded them to pay for the U.C.S. contribution he was charged with, out of the blue, he squeezed them to a choke, so like he said, the one responsible for all this is non other than something. At this time, someone says to Hojo that these are lies. Hojo asks that who said these are lies, so the person should show himself. At the moment, Marvin clutches his chest and says to Hojo that all of it's nothing but lies.
Spoiler warning! This article contains plot details about an upcoming episode. |
Marvin's identity is him.
In original version of Chapter 2 2. A.E. (9), Hazz calls Marvin to "Marvin! Marvin!". And Cain angry and shouts to Hazz that "You should shut up about Gosan! Gosan!"
And Hazz also kicks Marvin's shin.
In (13), Ayn gives Marvin to green tea through his thermos. But Marvin declines Ayn's green tea, and he takes out his thermos and drinks green tea. Marvin says to Ayn that the White Police Guards already got three more calling them. Marvin says he doesn't blame the White Police Guards and they're paid eight times the wage they get, so no wonder it seems tempting. Unlike Ayn's thermos, his thermos has bread bag.
In (13), Ayn says Marvin really gotta hand it to Hazz. Marvin sorry for the White Police Guards. Ayn laughs and says that what if they end up buying the whole White Police Guards. Marvin says he knows right.
In original version of (18), his cousin says to him that "You know exactly the situation of the El family well."
In (24), Marvin sees a hologram in front of Ayn and says that he has just finished hacking their transmission and he'd better report this in. It means that Ayn is also Gosan's spy too. Then Marvin's hologram is visible to Mayhen. At this point, it's able to supposes that he could be a spy in the Gosan family, or the Gosans monitoring to the El family. Mayhen reports this to his cousin that this is the list of every White Police Guards stationed elsewhere, who tried to make contract with El, and not only does it show their intention to work for the El family but also the exact amount of the salaries they were promised. His cousin surprised to this because this many agents were compromised. His cousin goes to him who takes off his bread bag and sees the hologram. His cousin is surprised to see his face, and says he told him that he shouldn't take off that bag when he's around. He angry and says after all that money the old White Police Guards took from the Duke, they'd turn their backs on their own master, and his nerves can't calm down twenty years, and now that he has proofs of the El family's true agendas right here, he's going to crush them all into pieces. His cousin angry and shouts to him that he should cover himself with the bag because he can't concentrate here. He accepts this. Now, his face is reveals, but his face is exactly the same as the Duke's face, so his cousin is burdens. Later, when the identity of the fake Duke is revealed to be his Avatar, it can be interpreted that he reported the hologram to fake Duke after informing Mayhen.
In Kuan's Fridge (73), He sit in a chair and sleeping, and wakes up. And when Orange hair reports something, he orders to him that he wants more details, so he should give him all the memories that he read at the site, hold on. He turns his head and calls Haggler, and his cousin and Orange hair see this. But strangely Haggler isn't appears. It seems that real Duke ordered Haggler (spoiler) to keep watch while he was being receive the memories to Avatar Duke. He takes off his bread bag. Orange hair gives to his head that the memories. There's a strange sound in his head, and then it comes back to its original sound. Because there's a Neuro-scanning socket in his head.
In (76), He shows a hologram to his cousin and says it's kill or be killed, and he can take a look at this, and this is the business ventures that the El family got their hands on so far. His cousin sees the hologram and surprised because he never knew it would be this big. He knows the business ventures that the El family got their hands on so far which even his cousin hadn't even figured out. Because he was working as Marvin who's an El's manager. He says he won't miss this chance to teach those ungrateful dogs, include the El family a lesson in a way that no one can ever predict.
And in (77), Marvin says to Hazz that so he knew.
In (85), Hazz orders Marvin that he should call in all the managers now, including the ones who've already left the office. The managers are all gathered. Hazz appears and says first of all, he's sorry and he would like them to take care of one thing before they leave, and starting today, they should take all the special profits they've shared with the Gosan family out of the account book, they're gonna apply them the same rules as the other companies. Marvin is surprised to hear this. Hazz says exactly, as of today, they'll put an end to the subordinate relationship with the Gosan family, and they, the El's, are gonna stand up for themselves in the universe eight from now on, and they should write off all the debts of the Hyper-Quanxs who're free of contract with the Gosan's, and pay them double their original paycheck to sign a contract with them, because they'll buy off all the old White Police Guards.
In (86), his cousin runs to him who's wearing gloves and beating a sandbag. His cousin says the El's have decided to buy off all the old White Police Guards. He says it's good, and that way, it'll be easier when they put all those bastards in one spot.
In (93), Cain asks that so, what about buying off the White Police Guards from Gosan's. Marvin answers that for the lack of a better word, masterful, to change their master just like that, he's telling Cain that Master Hazz is really amazing. Marvin says he knows it's hard to believe, but it had something to do with the church's plan that the Devarim head had foreseen. Marvin whispers to Cain that Space disease and something. Marvin knows important and deep information about the Gosan family and the Church of Madonna.
In (103), Hazz says that the accident looks like the Gosan's are getting emotional and provoking them for buying off their old White Police Guards, and he asks that who would benefit the most from causing this mayhem, and he calls Marvin. It means that Marvin, the Duke would benefit the most from causing this mayhem. And Hazz asks that if this wasn't a simple accident, who's he think is behind this. Marvin answers that he's not sure, and he doesn't think it's the Duke, unless he's an idiot, and he'd have to say the church body of Madonna, after all, they're the ones who'd gain the most from the conflict of the two families.
In original version of (109), he's tied up in a chair. And on the panel under him, the last panel, Marvin calls to Cain that the head of the Devarims wishes to speak with him.
In (111), Marvin's face taken a close-up. And in (112), Aaron says to Cain that that's right, and if it's carried out, that action will be within the causality, once inside an object Quanx like Kuan's Fridge, it even blocks the Quantum communication, once the door is shut, no Hyper-Quanx can teleport in or out. Perhaps Marvin informed Ayn (spoiler) of it. So Haggler gets to Kuan's Fridge.
In (113), Hazz angry so he uses armbar to Marvin, and shouts that even in all this mess, he just couldn't miss out of the festival season so he's selfish bastard. Marvin says he's sorry. Hazz kicked El's shin and he used armbar to Marvin. In original version, both of these parts are registered as thumbnails. And his bread bag appears.
In (114), Marvin calls his cousin on the telephone. His cousin hangs up. It means that he uses the direct line. Marvin calls Mayhen on the telephone. At this time, Marvin's words are processed with special characters, because in original version, maybe Mayhen used the honorific to him. Mayhen opens door and says to his cousin that an urgent message from the El's. Mayhen says that the orientation for the old White Police Guards and the head of the Devarims encouraged Cain to get even with them. Mayhen says to his cousin that the truth is she also thought that the Duke started to take it a little too far and he needed someone to slow him down, but this is there could've been other way, she means, he can't just.
In (115), Marvin's face looks like his father, the Duke. And Ayn says to him that they already got their pockets full from the El family. It means that Ayn is also Gosan's spy too. When Marvin and Ayn away from the El's, they don't know information about the bullet that was embedded in El's head. What this information didn't know from him is the next development.
In (135), the senior manager thinks that how did Marvin become a spy for the Gosan family, and he doesn't think that it wasn't about the money.
In (141), a woman aims a gun to Marvin and Ayn and says that, he promised the women 400 Dines for last night. Ayn says that Marvin is pretty sure it was 100 Dines for last night, but he says that that's right and it was definitely worth a night. Marvin says he was drunk yesterday, and he regrets what he thought at that time. He always keep the promise that he made when he was drunk.
In (154), Marvin calls to Mayhen. Mayhen says to Marvin that she's guessing that their second master's order to collect the money reached the lower organizations of Nekar. Marvin asks that but still, why would the lower organizations of Nekar do this to them. Mayhen answers that they just told the lower organizations of Nekar to pay up, and they can't meddle with how they get the money. Marvin asks that then there's nothing they can do Nekar. This is personal content unrelated to Marvin's spy work. And in original version, Marvin's words are processed with special characters again, because maybe Mayhen used the honorific to him.
In (158), Ayn asks that what does Marvin say they call it here and just something. Marvin says that let's ask for help. It seems Ayn encouraging Marvin to reveal their identities. And Ayn says goodbye to Marvin and tells that he can call him if he get caught in a tight spot, but then again.
In (172), Marvin says to the lady that he really doesn't want to share a room with Sister Kane, let him has his own room while he's in the Sisterhood of Agni. Maybe Marvin is supposed to contact Ayn privately.
In (177), Marvin eats breakfast and one of ladies tells him that he must be a tough guy in disguise. In original version, one of ladies tells him that he must be a strong man in disguise.
In (188), Marvin throws account books and gifts and shouts that how dare the villains take advantage of his goodwill with these weird gifts. In A Catnap (160), the Duke thinks the Patrols are taking advantage of his good will so far.
In (192), the bread bag in Marvin's thermos comes out here too.
In original version of (193), Sita sings a lullaby, and it's a well known Korean lullaby called Island Baby (A Cottage on an Isle). The lyrics are 'When mama's gone to island beach to pick some oysters. Baby, left all alone to himself.' Mama means the Duke, baby means him.
In (195), Sita says to Marvin that she was told that it's because the meanie the Duke, who's squeezing people too hard with their debt, and that he's a really mean bad guy. Marvin feels absurd.
In (202), Cain takes down his cousin and Mayhen with electric shock device. Cain shouts to Federick and Lot that they should move to Moab with him and the baldy. Lot does it. And in (203), Ayn with an urgent expression calls to Marvin. Marvin says to Ayn that he guesses he'll start packing his stuff for his return. Marvin says to Ayn that he does that. It means that Marvin ordered Ayn to go to battle mode and save his cousin who was kidnapped to Kuan's Fridge.
In (206), Marvin tries to open his red thermos. Because Marvin's thermos has bread bag. And Marvin attacked by Monkey's attack, but in (212), he stands up. Because his body is coated with Numen.
In (211), Haggler only holds his cousin, not him. Because he's not real identity.
Ayn is his student.
1 month ago[]
In Chapter 2 2. A.E. (9), few years later, Hazz calls him. He and his junior are arrive.
Hazz kicks his shin. Hazz angry and shouts he did the M&A to the Sten Industries and Gold Wing approved without his consent, so he trying to ruin everything the El family worked for, and he does something around their young master. The young master who've a penis nose says he ordered him to do that and the longer they drag this out, the only thing they're getting is more flies, and if Hazz think about the cost it'd take to get rid of all those nuisances, and it's cheaper this way, and that's what he taught him so don't put this on him. Hazz says when the business index gets out and the Gosans find out about it, and they might take it the wrong way. The young master angry and shouts Hazz should shut up about Gosan, and they to bow down to the Gosan family and they're so great because they blew up a planet but they don't have to be scared of them for it, and this M&A got them enough firepower to fight them. The young master says Hazz should be grateful for his father, and if it weren't for him, he would've fired him ages ago after he take everything he stole from them behind their backs. Hazz says all he ever did was for the young master's father, Count El. The young master says Hazz just used El, cause he was so indecisive, and he only cared about his own gain, and he know what he has been doing around here. El sees this to the screen, and he orders Lot to go bring them over here. Lot brings Hazz, Federick, the young master, Cain.
Outside, Cain complains El to humiliating him in front of his men so he's stupid old man. Cain orders to him that from now on, he don't report anything about the merger to Hazz anymore, because he's the one in charge, and he let him know as soon as he so much as look at him funny. Cain orders to Federick that he want to be alone for a minute so he take some time off too until he call him. Cain calls Hazz is greedy fat pig.
Hazz orders to him that he should send a monthly paycheck El's Five Finger member is getting to one of the White Police Guards who's gone broke over gambling debts and make it look like a mistake. He calls to one White Police Guard and he introduces that he's an accounting manager for the Count El of planet Urano, and he says he's terribly sorry to inform him that there has been an error in their system, so they mistakenly wired the monthly paycheck of one of their own White Police Guards to him. He says, he guess it's true that all the White Police Guards have the same account numbers except for the two digits at the end, and he asks the one White Police Guard can wire the money back to this account. The one White Police Guard sees the money and surprised. He says that's just for one month, and this goes without saying, and he asks the one White Police Guard don't tell anyone about what he just saw, because confidentiality is key when it comes to the wages of the El family's White Police Guards. Hazz orders after that "annoying" phone call, the one White Police Guard will start calling about a guard position opening within a week, and he should say something. He says to the one White Police Guard that the El family do have some job openings at the moment and they'd love to have him on board with them but with his current affiliation with the Gosans puts them in a difficult spot. Once the one White Police Guard realizes this matter is beyond him, he'll start talking with his closest member, soon enough, all the members of the White Police Guards will find out what Urano has to offer to them, and those with gambling debts will be the first to call the El family, then one by one, every one of them will contact them individually, without telling others, then he tell them their supervisor has thought about his offer and wanted him to tell him that he'll gladly take him in when the time is right, and they hope that day comes soon. His junior gives him to green tea through his thermos. But he declines his junior's green tea, and he takes out his thermos and drinks green tea. He says the White Police Guards already got three more calling them. He says he doesn't blame the White Police Guards and they're paid eight times the wage they get, so no wonder it seems tempting. His junior says he really gotta hand it to Hazz. He sorry for the White Police Guards. His junior laughs and says that what if they end up buying the whole White Police Guards. He says he knows right.
The accountant calls his junior to Ayn and asks who does he think is the strongest of all the White Police Guards.
Ayn answers of course, those two are quite strong, but he bet is Haggler, who's the one Duke Gosan always keeps around, and he wouldn't have made it as the Duke's personal bodyguard if he's weak. At this point, he appears briefly behind Ayn. The accountant says Haggler is the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall. The glasses accountant says the accountant getting tense, but he'll never run into Haggler anyway. At this time, the senior accountant appears and notices that, this is the accounting and auditing team's report for the second half of the year and their assigned stations, and they'll be performing their auditing duties in their assigned locations for around two months. The senior accountant envies that they barely work four to five hours a day at home, and now they send them on a business trip, and it's more like a two-month paid vacation, so they'd better thank Hazz the merciful, then he notices to the head of accounting team No. 1.
He sees a hologram in front of Ayn and says that he has just finished hacking their transmission and he'd better report this in. Then his hologram is visible to Mayhen. At this point, it's able to supposes that he could be a spy in the Gosan family, or the Gosans monitoring to the El family. Mayhen reports this to Gosan's cousin that this is the list of every White Police Guards stationed elsewhere, who tried to make contract with El, and not only does it show their intention to work for the El family but also the exact amount of the salaries they were promised. Gosan's cousin surprised to this because this many agents were compromised. Gosan's cousin goes to Gosan who takes off his bread bag and sees the hologram.
Current time[]
Volumes 8
In Kuan's Fridge (38) - Ch.569, Sumai thinks this is bad if he can't make the payment in time. Sumai calls to him who's drinks tea in a thermos that please send in good words for him to Master Hazz, and due to unforeseeable circumstances, the payment is going to be delayed a little.
At this time, he makes a strange look. Sumai says he doesn't give him that look, and he knows more than anyone how diligent he's, and he has to help him convince Master Hazz. He says he guesses he could fill in the loan temporarily, but Sumai make it fast, and he knows what Master Hazz is like, and he gotta go now.
Sumai calls to him who's holds his thermos lid, and says something. He shouts that Master Hazz would never allows the drug to something. Sumai says this is a reliable message from those who were exiled from Moab, and it's not any normal quality or quantity he's talking about here, and what's inside are the Hourglasses. He tells it to Mayhen, and it means that he's a spy of the Gosan family. Mayhen reports it to Gosan's cousin. Gosan's cousin runs to Gosan's room. Gosan sits to chair and calculates to his Causality Calculator, and Mayhen is next to him. Gosan's cousin reconfirms to Gosan that those are the drugs from Aorica. Gosan says it seems that way. Gosan's cousin asks that what Gosan is calculating now, and he answers just this and that. Gosan's cousin says if they really are the products from Aorica, then the rumor that a few members of the White Police Guards smuggled out a huge quantity of drugs was true. Gosan stands up and says he's going to get those products back. Gosan's cousin says they're drugs, and he asks that why the Gosan family would want to get their hands on that. Gosan says if they really are products of Aorica, then the Duke bought them with his money 20 years ago, so obviously, they're the Gosan family's to claim.
He calls to Hazz and reports that, Sumai tried to steal drugs, so he could pay back the money, but a police inspector who has him at the palm of her hand took the initiative, and he says with Aorica gone, those drugs belong to whoever gets the first, their worth is enough to buy a whole planet, what he's saying is that he can take the drug, and let him cash them out without any trouble. Hazz is unpleasant that those hooligans always have a way with their words. He says but Sumai isn't lying. Hazz thinks something and says that if what Sumai is saying is true, the value of those products far exceeds the legal boundaries, and the El family don't have anything to lose, so let's check it out.
He says to Hazz that so he knew. Hazz says he think he's stupid, and he asks how many times the church did meet so far, counting this one. He answers that the church meet them three times so far. Hazz says that the church knew he'd be too stubborn to listen, so they went straight to Cain. Hazz asks that there has been any collision with the church recently. He sees a hologram and answers that it's none in the past three months. Hazz orders he should tap everything those pseudo religious bastards and Cain talk over the phone and report them all back to him. He says Cain expressly told him not to mention anything about the meeting with the church, and Master Hazz need to understand his situation. Hazz says who's giving his paycheck again. He bows to Hazz and says that he'll report every single word to him. Hazz orders that he should get out.
Volumes 9
Cain meets two staffs of Church of Madonna. Cain says he hate it when people beat around the bush like that, and he asks so what it's that the church want from him exactly. The other staff of the church says as they were saying it looks like they've run into an impasse with the Gosan's in terms of managing the church business so they were looking for a new partner, and the news of them joining hands with the Gosan family's got out, which attracted a lot of nobles who expected a high profit, so they joined their church as new Patrons, and they saw it as an opportunity to like up with them, however, there were no immediate gains. The other staff of the church explains that, rather, the nobles were left with debts after faulty investment offers, and if they showed any signs of protest, they'd to deal with the White Police Guards, and after Gosan robbed them of everything, they quit the church, and they shared their stories of how they were wronged, on top of that, groundless slanders and rumors about the church body began to spread, some parishes even closed down recently. He writes this content. Cain asks what they does get in return if they become the church's new partner. The other staff of the church answers the church can make mutual profits through multiple joint business ventures. Cain says they already have more mutual profits enough, and the church is the ones who're desperate here, and they should've brought something that he'd actually be interested, and this is exactly why people call them pseudo-religion, because of they and their cheap business practices, and not to mention the cheek to send nobodies like them, it's unacceptable, and they might not have noticed, but he has given them three chances, from now on, their bishop had better bring himself over here if he wants to negotiate with them, and that's all he'd to say. Cain orders him to get the staffs of the church out of his sight and he cross off this meeting from his schedule as well. In the baths, he reports to Hazz that this is what Cain said, and he was right there, so he really didn't need to tap anything. In a bathtub, Hazz sees a hologram. Hazz calls to Federick and orders that he should bring this so-called head of the Devarims over here, now, alright, he got his attention, and if he was just screwing with him, he has another thing coming.
He sitting next to Ayn, and he yawns and thinks that he's so tired, and he gotta quit this spying job soon. At this time, Hazz calls to him. Hazz orders him that he should call in all the managers now, including the ones who have already left the office. The managers are all gathered. Hazz appears and says first of all, he's sorry and he would like them to take care of one thing before they leave, and starting today, they should take all the special profits they've shared with the Gosan family out of the account book, they're gonna apply them the same rules as the other companies. He's surprised to hear this. Hazz says exactly, as of today, they'll put an end to the subordinate relationship with the Gosan family, and they, the El's, are gonna stand up for themselves in the universe eight from now on, and they should write off all the debts of the Hyper-Quanxs who're free of contract with the Gosan's, and pay them double their original paycheck to sign a contract with them, because they'll buy off all the old White Police Guards.
The Manager Bishop's secretary calls to Cain. Cain says the day after tomorrow is fine so let's do that, but he's not so happy with how disrespectful the church has been to them, so they don't expect any sort of welcome party. He asks Cain that the Bishop of the church is going to come here personally. Cain answers that finally, the church came to their senses, and he told them they won't talk unless they send a bishop their way, so, he hears those Devarim bums are here right now. Next to him, there's Ayn. He says the Count decided to take the Devarims in. Cain says his word means Hazz, not his dad, and he asks to him that the church don't people hate Devarims. He answers that according to their sources here and there, they'll get in the way of the church's long-term plan. Cain asks why did Hazz who acts as if that pig owns this place not join hands with the church and protect the Devarims. He says Master Hazz is trying to use the Devarims politically, and he's going to let all the nobles in the universe know that them with their foresight chose the El's over the Gosan's. Cain says that could work in their favor, and he asks that so, what about buying off the White Police Guards from Gosan's. He answers that for the lack of a better word, masterful, to change their master just like that, he's telling Cain that Master Hazz is really amazing. Cain gets his back up and orders that he doesn't ever compliment Hazz again in his presence, and he asks that what made him change his mind like that, because he always dragged him down, 'cause he's always two steps forward than him. He says he knows it's hard to believe, but it had something to do with the church's plan that the Devarim head had foreseen. He whispers to Cain that Space disease and something. Cain is surprised and says if that's true he knew it, he was right all along, and the church is too dangerous to make enemies with, no matter what happens between them and Hazz, they must join hands with them. He asks to Cain that but it wouldn't go against his father's wish to protect the Devarims. Cain says he's idiot, and if he's wrong, why would those Devarims who're supposed to be all-knowing come to them, so he should prepare the welcome party for the Bishop right now.
He says whatever trouble Master Hazz might have with him, Master Cain looked dead set on accepting the offer from the church. Hazz asks that the accident is really a simple system error. Hazz says that the accident looks like the Gosan's are getting emotional and provoking them for buying off their old White Police Guards, and he asks that who would benefit the most from causing this mayhem, and he calls him, and asks that if this wasn't a simple accident, who's he think is behind this. He answers that he's not sure, and he doesn't think it's Gosan, unless he's an idiot, and he'd have to say the church body of Madonna, after all, they're the ones who'd gain the most from the conflict of the two families. Hazz says that the church offer them a helping hand with one hand, and start a conflict between them and Gosan's on the other, but that's way too obvious, although it's not complete nonsense, but it's still odd. At this time, Gaya teleports and calls to Hazz.
Aaron calls to him. Aaron sees some Kuan's Fridge's keys, and thinks that this will do. Aaron asks to he and Ayn that he need to deliver something to Cain so he can request his audience. He calls to Cain that the head of the Devarims wishes to speak with him.
Cain says that's all right, and he should send the head of the Devarims over now. Hazz closes the door and leans heavily against the wall and calls to him who's runs to somewhere. Hazz orders that before he leave office today, he wants him to report to him every single word that went between the head of the Devarims and Master Cain. Aaron meets Cain and he, and he gives him to a key. Aaron says it's a token of appreciation, if Cain will, for taking the Devarims in, and it's one of the keys to Kuan's Fridge, an object Quanx in planet Moab. Cain asks to Aaron that why exactly he's giving the key to him.
Aaron says Cain can forgive his curiosity, and asks that does here not have "The box of immorality" that has been handed down for generations. Cain says the box of immorality is just a made-up hokum, those filthy middle class folks really need to get a life. Aaron suddenly kneels and says in all those years of managing here, Hazz made sure the Young Master didn't get his hands dirty, and this is the moment he witness his vision firsthand, he truly is a remarkable man. Cain angry and shouts to Aaron that if he's gonna praise that bastard in front of him, he should get out now. Aaron says any noble family running a renowned business in this universe is bond to have a box of immorality of their own, it's a place where they deal with conspiracies, conflicts, and betrayal that might arise during business, and a place where they can get rid of anything troublesome without a trace, ever since the Space Patrol started hiring Quanx agents, the nobles needed a safer box of immorality, and they began using object Quanxs for this. Cain grabs Aaron by the collar, and says they provided him with a shelter, and that wasn't enough for him, and he'd dare try to bite their throats, and he sees where this is going, and he's trying to get him involved with that box of immorality or whatever, and use it as a leverage against them, and that's not gonna happen, and this isn't the first time he has met hustlers like him. Aaron says the peace and order of this universe isn't the Devarims concern, and the force that drives this universe is imbalance, there can be no such thing as equality, and the only thing that drives them is their own survival and wellbeing, and it's true they foresee the future, which is why they chose here as their refuge, like he said, that key is by no means anything other than a token of their gratitude.
He sees this. Cain throws Aaron and says that he foresaw the future and chose here, and he asks that does he even know what's gonna happen to him. Aaron says that's right and he's well aware, and Mr. Hazz will hand the Devarims over to the church body, but they return here again. Cain says to Aaron that he'll take the gift, then he has a few questions for him.
Cain says to Aaron that but he said the future is already fixed, then what's there to choose, and he asks that it'll go against the causality, and he thought a butterfly's flapping can cause a tornado and whatnot. Aaron explains that, here's let's suppose this palm is a universe, the members of this universe have a so-called free will and live on with their busy lives, and let's say they've to go from the bottom of the palm to the end of the fingertip to ensure more comfortable lives, some of them will be lucky enough to achieve their goal without much difficulty at the crossroads of choices, others will take a detour and give up exhausted, or even fall out of the palm for good, in order to reach the fingertip, the Devarims always have to make choices, that's the fate of the beings on the palm just like them, if there's a greater over them, just as how humans look at ants on their palm, what would the journey to the fingertip be like to him, for the greater being, the journey to here will be finished the moment it starts, whereas the little ones still have a long way left to go. Aaron says that in this sense, this universe has already ended the moment it started, and they're just busy chasing after that course of actions in their own timelines, the greater being, this is the predetermined future, this is what Devarims see in their dreams, abiding by the causality means to make choices that will ensure their survival, within that predetermined future, the El family becoming the new master of the universe eight, that's the future Devarims saw. Cain asks to Aaron that is he saying that whatever decisions he makes the El family's future won't change. Aaron answers that to be exact, every decision Cain makes is within the causality of the El family becoming the new master of this universe. Cain asks that even when the decision is to hunt down the bastard who shat all over his front porch, and teach him a lesson. Aaron answers that that's right, and if it's carried out, that action will be within the causality, once inside an object Quanx like Kuan's Fridge, it even blocks the Quantum communication, once the door is shut, no Hyper-Quanx can teleport in or out. He watches this. Cain says that he'll be dammed, and he says to Aaron that he'll be honest with him, and he actually like this plan of Hazz's, to hand him over to the church, he means, now he'll make him a promise, if the El family get what they want from this deal with the church, he promise him he'll get him all back here, whatever it takes, and thanks for the gift.
He lies to Hazz that Aaron only just said thanks and nothing more. Hazz asks to him that didn't Aaron does request or proposal of any kind to Master Cain and he asks that is it right when he just said thank him and that was it. He answers that Aaron said he couldn't thank Master Cain earlier. Hazz asks that did Master Cain tell him to keep him in the dark. He bends his waist forward to Hazz and says that he can get Mori in here and check his memories if he'd like, here go ahead.
Hazz hit to middle of his head. He says this might not be the best time to bring this up, the dispatch of the auditing team for this second half is being delayed, so when will the managers go there. Hazz asks that where will he be dispatches to. He answers that he'll go to planet Nekar. Hazz says Nekar had be in the middle of festival. Hazz angry so he uses armbar to him, and shouts that even in all this mess, he just couldn't miss out of the festival season so he's selfish bastard. He says he's sorry.
A person calls Gosan's cousin on the telephone. Gosan's cousin hangs up. The person calls Mayhen on the telephone. He communicates a message to Mayhen. Mayhen opens door and says to Gosan's cousin that an urgent message from the El's. Mayhen says that the orientation for the old White Police Guards and the head of the Devarims encouraged Cain to get even with them. Gosan's cousin asks that what about him, and did he agree to that. Mayhen answers that as a matter of fact, he was let in the dark to prevent such mishap. Gosan's cousin says that's right, although he knows for a fact that he would never agree to do something so stupid, but if he helps Cain with his little vendetta, it'll be a tough fight for them, and he's a damn good tactician, someone who he'd want on their side, unfortunately, as long as he's on their side, he's the first on their list to get rid of. Gosan's cousin taps a Causality Calculator. Gosan's cousin asks that under these circumstances, what should they offer the El's, a hand and a fist or both. Mayhen says that the truth is she also thought that the Duke started to take it a little too far and he needed someone to slow him down, but this is there could've been other way, she means, Gosan's cousin can't just. Gosan's cousin says that he save the judgment on his actions for some other time, for now, they've more pressing matters at hand.
He sighs and says this is exhausting. At this time, Ayn comes with two cards. He asks that Ayn did get a phone number from a hot girl or something. A manager drinks green tea of his thermos. Ayn says this doesn't even compare to that and he can check his out. He sees a card and surprised, and shouts that the cards are VIP premiere tickets to the Nekar festival. The manager's green tea is overflows, and he angry to him. Outside, he asks that this ticket is so cool and how Ayn get these, because most people can't even get a look at these. Ayn answers that he confiscated some ledgers that one of the Nekarian tax accountants allegedly failed to keep records of, and he kept pressuring him with that. He says Ayn is the best student he has ever had, but that old pig told him off for wanting to go to the festival in the middle of this crisis, and why of all times, why he does have to miss out on this joy of life for what. Ayn says he doesn't has to and just go, and what can that pig do about it, and what's the worst thing that can happen, get fired, but that's about it, and they already got their pockets full from here and there anyway, besides, they're going to Nekar on business, the festival is like a bonus, and they can spend tonight with pretty Nekarian babes.
He says the devil's sweet temptation. Ayn says that he already packed their things. He asks that did Ayn book the ferry too. Ayn answers that the ship leaves in three hours. Ayn drives, and he calls to Senior manager and reports that it was a necessary decision to protect the El's assets. He says Senior manager that, he can look at Ayn that determined look on his face. Ayn frowns his face. Senior manager says he should cut the bull, and he can see Ayn holding his laughs, and he gotta does what he gotta does just like them, and he'll sending this whole conversation they just had over to Mr. Hazz, and if they don't see their desks after they return, there are two possibilities, they either get promoted or they get fired, and then they should get the job done. He hangs up the phone and he's excited and shouts that here they go Nekar, pure pleasure all the and night.
The senior manager calling to Hazz. Hazz angry and shouts that he flew over to Nekar without his permission. The senior manager says that he said it was a bold decision on his part to protect the El family's assets, so he asks that he can clear out his desk. Hazz says that the senior manager don't fire people when they're not around, come on now. The senior manager asks that how about he and Hazz cut his paycheck in half. Hazz says that if the senior manager threaten an employee with their livelihood, it always backfires, one grudge is more than enough to make someone forget about all the favors he's received. that's just how humans are, he never go back on favors once he has already given them, it may work in the short term, but it makes them hold a grudge against him. Hazz orders to the senior manager that it's also a manager's job to deal with all the stress from these troublemakers, but he needs to be punished, as soon as he gets back here, he's working overtime for three months straight, every single night.
The senior manager calls to him, but he isn't pick up the phone. The senior manager acts irritated and says that Nekar is midday but he's slacking off. He's drunk and sleeps with women and a man. He wakes up and gets a call. He calls the senior manager to Mister. The senior manager angry and says that he gets to know that he's drunk, and he orders that he should open his account because he'll give Hazz's message and additional accounting work for the planet Nekar. He draws counterclockwise with his finger on the screen, and he sleeps again. The senior manager sees his personal account and says that he expected he and Ayn to drink and party, so he's jealous because he's cleans up after their mess, but Hazz doesn't know this so he ordered that he can't cut his paycheck in half, so he thinks that it's unfair. At this time, the senior manager discovers many outer planet phone calls in his contact history.
The senior manager tells Hazz that when he opened his personal account he saw his contact history and found the number which is contact every month regularly had nothing to do with the El family, so he investigated it and it turned out to be the Gosan family. Hazz orders that the senior manager don't tell him, because their information that fall into the Gosan family can't erased, they also have many spies who're the El family planted probably as many as they've planted by them, so if they kill them it'll only bring about more conflict, and they'll only deep into them, so let's use them with caution. Hazz clicks his tongue and says that he thought Gosan's was better than this but they could opened him just by investigate his private account so they're awkward. Hazz orders to the senior manager that he should tell him to finish his work at Nekar and return immediately 'cause he should keep him even closer him than before, and he should keep up the work and keep him updated. The senior manager thinks that was so Hazz, and he makes him glad that he isn't his enemy, and how did he become a spy for the Gosan family, and he doesn't think that it wasn't about the money.
The senior manager angry to him because he trapped in here and working all day long but that traitor gets to party all night. The senior manager thinks that how can he screw him over. At this time, he comes up with a revolutionary idea. The senior manager thinks that he'll change his password and lock it up so he can't spend the money, and he'll say that it was some unknown system error, so he'll cooped up in his room until the day he returns working all day. The senior manager changes his bank account's password and locks it up.
A woman pulls on his cheek and wakes him up. The women are there, and the woman says to him that the time's up so they've to go now.
He grabs the woman's hand and says that they can go the moon like last night. The woman shakes his hand off and says that the women have to go meet other customers, so he and another boy may pay off to them. He tries to pay off to the women and says that another today to become yesterday, but his bank account is locked. He calls Ayn. A woman is attached to Ayn. The woman aims a gun to he and Ayn and says that, he promised the women 400 Dines for last night. Ayn says that he's pretty sure it was 100 Dines for last night, but he says that's right and it was definitely worth a night.
The other woman smooths his head and says that he should work on his stamina. He's surprised to see the man and shouts that who's he. The man says that he's the guard sent by Baron Hugol and he said he'd pay him if he partied with him. He says he was drunk yesterday, and he regrets what he thought at that time. The girl is remain and she's the last one. He asks to the girl that she looks young so how old is she. The girl answers that she's 15 years old. He and Ayn are surprised that because the girl is a minor. The girl says to him that it was nothing happened because he dozed off right away.
He points to Ayn and shouts that he's a monster. Ayn also points to him and says that he's the one who brought the girl over here. He shouts that he wouldn't ever that. Ayn says that he may listen to his heart. The girl says she took off his wig and brassiere pads and makeup this morning. He shouts that maybe the girl wearing ladders for shoes so she's so reckless. Ayn calls him to Marv and says that he's out of cash too and the girl said nothing happened so they can give her breakfast and send her workplace. The girl tries to report to the Nekarian police.
He and Ayn are bow down to the girl. He calls to the bouncer guy and asks that if they get arrested by the Nekarian police, what would happen to him. The bouncer guy answers that the Baron Hugol will scold roundly to him. He asks to the bouncer guy that he can lend him that 400 Dines when he gave him before. He gives 400 Dines to the girl. The girl sees money and falls in thought.
He makes guns with his hands, and says that the girl's eyes maybe means that she understand rise and decline in life of half, and it'll fall short of money. The girl takes 100 Dines and returns 300 Dines because those girls lied to him, so the red guy was right. He says to Ayn that they were robbed by the girls. Ayn says that it's his money, so he was robbed by the girls. The girl tries to go somewhere, and says to him that she thanks for his song. He wonders when he hears the words, and soon he notices that song and falls into thought. He says goodbye to the girl, and tells that he hopes they never meet again. He wears manager's suit and calls to the senior manager and says that his bank account is locked. The senior manager is cold towards him, and says that maybe it's a system error. The senior manager asks that did he check the additional accounting files he put in his account storage along with a message from Hazz. He's surprised. The senior manager answers that when he was half awake, he opened his account for him. The senior manager says that he shouldn't guzzle booze and at least he have to pretend to be working. When the phone cut off, he thinks that he didn't see the more accounting files coming, and the team leader seemed cold so maybe he did investigate his phone logs. He opens Hazz's message.
Hazz angry and shouts to him that as soon as he get back to the El family, he'll working night overtime for three months straight. He sighs and puts his head down on the desk. He thinks that was a close call, and at least, Hazz didn't find out he's a spy, but now isn't the time to smiling. He stands up and thinks that the festival of the planet Nekar just started so he can't miss it, but when he using an independent account or any cash from an unknown source, the El's can be find out during the manager inspection for sure. He thinks that he'll has to borrow some money from the Baron Hugol.
The senior manager calls to Ayn and says that those bastards, the U.C.S. wanted the El's to pay some of the Intersecting Space repair fee, and Mr. Hazz ordered the managers to cover it with some of the loans given to the outer planets, which is why they started dispatching their managers to the outer planets today, it's been delayed long enough, so there's no need for he and him to feel guilty doing nothing out there anymore, that said, he should starting today, he'll be visiting all the Nekar nobles who owe them money. He asks to the senior manager that what about him. The senior manager answers to Ayn that he'll stay in his room, finishing up the inspecting on Baron Hugol, of course. The senior manager gives Ayn to the list of debtors he has to meet, and orders that he expects not a penny less than the respective amounts written here for each noble, he won't has time to fool around, parting together anymore, he'll be busy till the day he return to Urano. He pleased with 100000 Dines. Hugol says to him that he should've told them sooner, they thought the El's managers would be too busy with work to have some fun, so starting today, they'll take care of him, and they'll show him the hidden day and night or Nekar. He rejects that because if the El family find out Hugol offered him all these, he'll be fired right on the spot, and he says that it has to be a personal expenditure, if he could just point him in the right direction. Hugol says that he can spend as much as he want and let them know if he need more any time, he'll make sure he get to enjoy ten times the quality for one-tenth of the price. He thumbs up to Hugol and goes out. Hugol sighs and says that thank the stars, he thought this inspection was going to be the end of their family, but they sent a moron as a manager. Hugol orders to his man that he should get him on their side. Ayn takes out white clothes from his carrier. He says to Ayn that he doesn't get it, because the team leader is doing this to him, and he even cheered for them when they said they were going to Nekar, he's splitting them up, he's basically telling him to work his ass off in this room all day. Ayn says that the team leader said it couldn't be helped, and it was a sudden request from the council. He says that it'll be a better world without that stupid U.C.S., extorting money from everyone with every chance they get, they're the root of all evil in this universe, those damn bullies. At this time, someone is knocking the door that loud. That person is the girl who's breathed hard. The girl says to he and Ayn that they should run. He asks that this is about that 300 Dines the girl gave them back earlier. The girl says to he and Ayn that any minute now the cops will be here, because the guys molesting a minor.
The girl, he stop and catch their breath. Ayn is standing on the corner watching for the police. He, Ayn and the girl flee the police. He says that the girl said she's molested by the guys, but she has been said nothing happened. The girl says that her owner told her to say otherwise because he said it was necessary 'cause of Marquess Hojo, she doesn't know the details. Ayn reads a text of a hologram and says that Hojo isn't with the El's.
He, Ayn and girl arrive to the restaurant like Chinese restaurant. The girl eat noodles like Jajangmyeon. He calls to Mayhen. In front of food such as sweet and sour pork (Tangsuyuk), Ayn eats noodles and asks the girl if she wants more. Mayhen says to him that she's guessing that their second master's order to collect the money reached the lower organizations of Nekar. He asks that but still, why would the lower organizations of Nekar do this to them. Mayhen answers that they just told the lower organizations of Nekar to pay up, and they can't meddle with how they get the money. He asks that then there's nothing they can do Nekar. When he talks to Mayhen, Ayn orders more food. He hangs off and says to Ayn that he thinks he was right, that Marquess needed money quick, so he must've pressured his men. He holds his head and says that these Marquess' men bastards even brought the police into this to rip off an innocent tourist like him, and they never card about minors before, and they're using them as an excuse, but still, molesting a minor isn't right. Ayn lies that why they don't eat first. He asks that why they didn't eat yet. Ayn says that Marv will be picking up the tab, so it's only polite they wait for him.
He drinks green tea of his thermos, and worries that now what they do now. Ayn says that they can ask the Baron for help. He says that he already borrowed money from Baron Hugol, so it wouldn't be right to ask him for more favors. Ayn asks that what does he say they call it here and just something. He says that let's ask for help. The girl calls to her owner. The owner says that he heard the police went looking for the molesters but they said it was a bust, so he asks that what's that about. The girl lies that the molesters weren't in their room, so she's looking for them outside right now. The owner orders to the girl that she should call him when she find the molesters. He calls and asks their help to Hugol's henchman. Hugol's henchman reports it to him. Hugol angry and says that how did Marquess Hojo's gang get involved in all this, those bastards never let go once they figure they've the upper hand, so Hojo, that bloody hyena is the last man he wants to deal with. Hugol orders to his henchman that they can't go bankrupt, he should go talk to Hojo that if he's willing to stay out of this. Hugol's henchman meets to Hojo and tell it. Hugol's henchman says that the molester was one of El's managers and it seems there's been a small misunderstanding, and they thought he's the only man virtuous enough to solve this kind of problem. Hojo angry and says that Hugol's henchman should tell him to show his face here if he wants something from him, and he doesn't care where this manager is from, the man did something wrong, he's gotta pay for it, if the cops can't catch him, he'll personally get his guards to get him, and if he or anyone who has a stake in his business tries to help or harbor this man, he'll take it as a direct challenge to his authority and summon his Quanx guards, and wipe out every last one of them. He says to Ayn that he'll be okay on his own because the Baron said he'd take care of it, so he'll just keep him in a room somewhere and make him finish off this inspection, and it looks like their festival is over, they gotta do some work for appearance's sake, so he should get going. Ayn says goodbye to him and tells that he can call him if he get caught in a tight spot, but then again. The girl sees this. Hojo asks to his henchman that what would happen if that El's manager ends up dead while they were following Gosan's orders. Hojo's henchman answers that with the rising tension between the two families, it might set the fuse to the war. Hojo smiles and says that he just got an idea to screw over that prick Gosan for good.
Hugol angry and says that Hojo's acting way more aggressively than he expected, if he gets caught, there's no point pleading innocence because the Memory Reading Quanx in the police is also working for that damn thug. Hugol orders to his henchman that it's come to this, let's just have he finish his work in a detention cell, they'll get the results they want for the services they'll provide him while he's in there. Hugol's henchman tells him to it. The girl calls to her owner that she still couldn't find the molesters. The owner says that the molesters knew something was up and bailed, so she should get back to work in the evening. He hangs off and angry and shouts that Hugol sounded so sure like he can fix everything, and if he can't fix it, why even bring it up, and stay at the detention cell until he's proven innocent, he isn't fooling anyone, he pricks, he knows exactly what will happen once he's captured, he used his own name when he paid for booze and everything, they'll find him wherever he goes, there's nowhere to hide. The girl asks to him that he wanna come to her place. He angry and says that this whole disaster is all thanks to the girl, and he would've thought about it if it was harem. The girl says that there are lots of pretty ladies at her place. He's surprised.
He sees pretty ladies, and asks to the girl that what was her name again. The girl answers that her name is Sita. He strokes Sita's head and says that she's a good kid and may god's blessings be with her. At this time, Sister Kane appears and says to him that he's the man Sita brought. He's surprised. Sita talks to Kane, and he thinks that she scared him, and she must be a guard here. He sees a lady and thinks that looks like all the beautiful women on Nekar are gathered here, the kind he could only see at the festival parade. Kane says to Sita that the man doesn't look that dangerous to her. Kane grabs his neck and says that she'll let him stay here temporarily. Kane hugs him and says that cutie pie can come here and welcome to the Sisterhood of Agni. Kane says to him that there're no vacant rooms at the moment, so, he'll stay in her room during his stay. He's embarrassed. Hojo says to his henchman that listen closely to what he's about to tell them. Hojo's henchman uses his Telepathy ability and conveys his message to his guards that he'll be delivering the words of Marquess Hojo, because this is to prevent their memories of today's summoning getting read or released against their will by outsiders which is why he'll be delivering his true message telepathically. Hojo's henchman's device is shining when he uses his ability. Hojo says that they must do their part in collecting the U.C.S. contribution, which Duke Gosan, the ruler of universe eight, must pay, that is how they can repay the Duke's kindness make sure not to use any underhanded methods in the process. Hojo's henchman conveys that his guard should drain those peasants, ruthlessly, get rid of anyone who stands in their way, including women and children, be as cruel as they feel like, and if they resent them, tell them that they're just following Duke Gosan's orders, so that all the hatred and resentment of this universe is pointed at him. Hojo pushes his screen and says that there's one thing his guards should especially look out for, this fella is said to be a manager from the El family. Hojo floats his face by his screen. Hojo says that this fella is being chased by the police, a long story, apparently, of course, he wanted to help him, but he's being accused of a serious crime, there was nothing he could does, and he seems to be on the run, hiding from the police, as his guard know, the tension between the Gosan's and the El's is building up, so make sure they don't hurt him if they come across him during their job. Hojo's henchman conveys his message that this fella is his guards' target and he wants them to get rid of him and make it look like an accident.
Kane calls him to cupcake without clothes, after taking a shower, and he's surprised. Kane asks to him that how he did like the sofa, and did he sleep okay. He embarrassed and asks to Kane that she can cover herself. Kane says that she thinks he's shy, and this can't be the first time he has seen a woman's body. He angry and says that this has nothing to do with him being shy, and he knows he owe Kane for letting him stay here, but at least, she should has the least manners. Kane asks to him that he can stop telling her what to does in her room and look away, and how can he talk about manners when he can't stop looking at her boobs, but then again, she doesn't blame him, because she knows he can't resist looking at these gorgeous curves. He scares and says to Kane that he's sorry and he'll look away. At this time, Sita calls Kane and shouts that they've got trouble.
He goes to somewhere and sees a lady harvests cucumbers. The lady gives him to a cucumber. He thinks that why the lady giving him this magnificent cucumber, and he thinks that she does want him to buy it, or she's trying to ask him something.
The lady splits a cucumber she gave to him in half, and he says 'Ouch!' all of the sudden. The lady eats cucumber and asks to him that he's the guy Sita brought. He answers that it's right. The lady and he sit down and eat cucumber. The lady points out somewhere and says that the Sisterhood of Agni's land reaches the red gate far. He asks to the lady that which sect of the church is the Sisterhood of Agni. The lady answers that there's one of many sects inside Go'el Orthodox Church. He asks that does that mean the ladies are all nun. The lady answers that it's not and the only nun here's Sister Kane. He asks that Kane the super buff guard lady is a nun. The lady laughs and answers to him that she guesses he can call Kane their guard too, since the ladies are all under her protection. He asks that if Kane is the only nun in the sisterhood, what about the rest of the girls here. The lady answers that most of the girls are young girls who 'serve' men, this is like a safe haven for them, they stay in the sisterhood for health or safety reasons, the rule is to be self-sufficient, so no one can just sit around, though. He asks to the lady that she means even Sita has to work too. The lady answers to him that it's right and she heard he was one of her clients. He says to the lady that she got it all wrong, it's a long story, and he asks to her that how can a kid like Sita do what she does. The lady answers that there's a demand. His face has become a few shades darker. The lady says that life here on Nekar is tough, especially for women, everyone has to do their part in order to survive, kid or adult alike. The lady asks to him that what does he does. He answers to the lady that he guesses she can call him an accountant of a sort. The lady asks to him that when he can does taxes and stuff, that's perfect. The lady and he goes to the sisterhood. The lady shows account books to him and says that if the sisterhood have to pay taxes like last year, they'll have to close down and Sister Kane is really frustrated, and they're trying to rip them off as much as they can, they won't acknowledge this facility as a religious institution. He says that it's classified as a regular farm. The lady says that the money the sisterhood get from the crops is used for hospital treatment for the sisters here, with that damned medical privatization, they can't even dream of getting treated on their own. The lady asks to him that he thinks that he can help the sisterhood. He says to the lady that he can do it, but he really doesn't want to share a room with Sister Kane, let him has his own room while he's here.
The lady says to Kane that the guy want his own room. Kane rejects and says that this freeloader that's being chased by the police so bold so she'll has him sleep on the hardwood floor once the priests arrive. The lady says to Kane that an accountant from the El's said this account books is the trading condition. Kane reads account books and asks to him that what kind of nonsense did he scribble here, and how could he possibly end up with these calculations. He answers to Kane that it's possible, because of the special agreement between the El's and the ruling committee of Nekar, since everyone desperately wants the El family's investment, there's an article to benefit public facilities that are struggling from a tight budgets, to bring honor to El's, she'll even be given a subsidy from the ministry of welfare, and all she needs is that special agreements seal he stamped over there, and it's an authority he has as an El's manager, if she can't believe him, she can just open her bank account now and see for herself. Kane sees her bank account and she's surprised and says ooh la la. Kane thinks that this is enough to run this church for two years, and Sita got the Sisterhood of Agni windfall. Kane excited and shouts to him that she'll give him a big hug so he can come here, no, she's coming for him. He surprises so tries to stop Kane.
He who's strips to the waist and sleep in his own room, is wakes up and surprised to see that he's surrounded by ladies. Kane says to him that he's sleepy pie. Kane gives the breakfast to him. He says to Kane that what's the point of having his own room if she doesn't even knock. Kane points to him and says that she's love to him. He shouts Kane not to love. He eats breakfast and the ladies tell him that he's pretty boy, he's hotter the more she looks at him, look how he holds his fork, it's cute how he eats, he must be a tough guy in disguise. Kane grabs his jaw and says that if he want anything, just tell her, whatever he wants. He says to Kane that he'd like to be left alone. The ladies and Kane see him outside the window, and he says that he said he'd like to be left alone. At this time, a lady tells to Kane that the priests are here.
Volumes 10
The two merchants meets him and a merchant says that he just heard from Kane that they've a special guest in the Sisterhood of Agni, so they just stopped by to say hello, and he can try this. The merchant gives him to gift and account books. He throws two merchants out and says that he gets what they want, but, he has more than enough work on his hands right now, so they can leave. But outside, many merchants see him. He closes a door and thinks that damn leeches do them a little favor and they just rush in for more, hell, it's just their nature, that's why they can't get away from the nobles their entire lives. He sees account books and sees two merchants who're outside the window. He angry and shouts to two merchants that they should get back here, and they're run. He shouts that he just can't waste his time looking at this tiny corner store's account book. He reads those ungrateful merchants' account books and thinks that these entire here make no sense, this is being too harsh with their slaves.
The merchants thank to him. He throws the merchants out and says that he repeat himself, but this is a secret, and they shouldn't ever go talking about this to anyone. He discovers some account books and gifts. He throws account books and gifts and shouts that how dare the villains take advantage of his goodwill with these weird gifts, and he'll never looking at them because he has more than enough on his hands. The merchants taps a window, and he angry and shouts that what is so unfair this time.
Someone knocks his room's door. He who works says to someone that no one's home so that person may get lost. Sita brings a soup and asks to him that, she made some soup so if he wants to eat. He eats soup and asks to Sita that it's impressive and is she make this herself. Sita says to him that the sisters here taught her how to make soup and Sister Kane says she has to sleeps here starting today. He rejects it and says to Sita that she may tell Kane not to even dream about it and she can't just decide that. Sita says to him that Kane said there's no other option 'cause too many have gathered in the Sisterhood of Agni. He asks to Sita that is it right the people gather here. He climbs high and holds Sita's hands and put it up. He asks to Sita that what's all this. Sita answers to him that Marquess Hojo's gangsters' cruelty caused the people all to flee in the Sisterhood of Agni.
At night, he works and drinks green tea in his thermos. Sita is sleeping at bed and snoring. He thinks that Sita takes his bed, and now she snores out loud on it. He tries to covers Sita with a blanket and sees the bruises in her body. He thinks that bruises everywhere to Sita's body and what kind of terrible things could this poor young thing go through out there. He sees Sita and he has a mournful look on his face. He starts his work again and thinks that but still the little brat is just so noisy.
Sita stretches and sees him. There's dark circles in his eyes and he's tired. Sita asks to him that is he stayed up all night. He answers that why doesn't Sita ask that after getting out of his bed. He sits in bed and asks to Sita that he'll pay for kid so she can rub his shoulders. Sita rubs his shoulders. He says that what kid of mess in this and why does he has to be at a place like this, at a time like now. Sita sings a lullaby, and it's lyrics are 'Sleep, little one, go to sleep.' He asks to Sita that what's with that song. Sita answers to him that the day they first met, this was the song he sang to her as a lullaby when he was drunk. He says that he must've been really out of it. Sita sings a lullaby again. The lyrics are 'Sleep, little one, go to sleep... So peaceful birds and the sheep... Quiet are meadow and trees...' He falls asleep.
He sees an orange, bread and a cup of milk. He asks to Sita who's eats bread that what's with the prison meal, all of a sudden. Sita answers to him that too many people, and not enough food to go around, she was told. He asks to Sita that why the heck is that happening during the festival. Sita answers to him that she was told that it's because the meanie Duke Gosan, who's squeezing people too hard with their debt, and that he's a really mean bad guy. He feels absurd.
Sita steps on his back and says to him that after that day, grandma died. Some waterdrops falls on his neck. Sita sweats and says to him that things got harder. He thinks something, and says to Sita that it's enough and he's appreciate to her. Sita receives 300 Dines and says to him that she'll see him tomorrow morning. He asks to Sita that where she'll headed. Sita asks to him that she off to work. He thinks something. He opens a door and asks to Sita that, how much the kid make a day, because it looks like she'll be waking him from his sweet dreams every morning, so what does she say she just stay in the Sisterhood of Agni, and step on his back and stuff, instead of going to work, what's her price. Monkey and another Hojo's guard watches this. Monkey says to another Hojo's guard that he should get rid of the accountant from the El's, now.
Another Hojo's guard says to Monkey that it's supposed to be an 'accident', so they should report to Master Hojo first. Monkey calls to Hojo and reports that the accountant's at the Sisterhood of Agni. Hojo orders to Monkey that he should keep a sharp eye on the accountant. Hojo says to his henchman that he'll give the gentleman the physical boost that they need, to the safe-zone, Sisterhood of Agni, he'll take his hunting dogs and goes there himself, goes to find his rats that are on the run, and accidentally kill the accountant in the process, classic two for one, the main course was the Hyper loyal hounds of the Gosans kidnapping the El's successor, they're just here to serve the dessert, messing with the Go'el Church while doing the work of the Gosan, backer of the Church of Madonna, it could even lead to a collision between the two religions, however they slice it, he'll be handing Gosan his greatest crisis yet, with he, the great Marquess Hojo's own hands.
He sees much meal and praises to Sita. Sita says to him that he can't leftovers because she'll get in trouble if she's caught. He thumps up and says to Sita that he feels like he could eat the tray too. Sita and he eat meal. Sita thanks to him because she doesn't having to go to work. He says to Sita that everyone needs to have a job, being dead weight is a pain to everyone else. Sita's face has become a few shades darker and says to him that but it's too scary and painful. He's surprised and asks to Sita that other than the work she's doing now, is there anything else she wants to. Sita says to him that she wants to go to school, like all the other kids and make friends. He gives her food through a fork. Sita asks to him that is this his charity offering. He answers to Sita that he just wants her to eat.
The day breaks and he finishes his work. He stretches and says that it's the bulk of it. He lies in bed. At this time, Ayn with an urgent expression calls to him. Sita hears he calls to Ayn. He says to Ayn that he guesses he'll start packing his stuff for his return. He wears clothes and says to Ayn that he does that. He hangs off and wears a tie. Sita sees this and asks to him that is he'll leaving right. He pours water into his thermos with a kettle and answers to Sita that it's right. Sita misses this and says goodbye to him. He says to Sita that the kid can comes with him.
He kneels and holds Sita's hands and says that he said she can comes with him, he'll make sure she get to go to school from a safe home, and the food should be much better than in the Sisterhood of Agni, too, he'll make sure to explain it all to Sister Kane and her boss. He says to Sita that they'll get going after right after eat. Sita says to him that she'll make some soup, she can make as much it as she want. He says to Sita that he liked that soup. He smiles and goes to kitchen. He thinks that Sita is a weird kiddo.
He says to Kane that he may takes Sita because it'll be a much better environment for her than in the Sisterhood of Agni, and it's safe and more than anything, it's an educational institute. At the moment, someone screams and the other priest appears and says to Kane that the Marquess' hounds barged in and are relentlessly and the priests are being completely outmatched. Monkey attacks to the people with his ability. Hojo says that if it isn't all the poor missing citizens of his land, the Sisterhood of Agni kidnap them to use as slaves here at their farm. Hojo's guards say that they should spread out wide, and annihilate the Quanx priests. He, Kane and the other priest run to Hojo. Kane shouts to Hojo that he should stop, and the Sisterhood of Agni is a holy safe haven. Hojo says to Kane that she kidnapping his people and not just that, she assaulted his guards who were just walking by. He looks at Hojo. Hojo also looks at him and thinks that the person is the El's manager. Hojo says to Kane that their priest tried to slaughter his guards so everything happening before her eyes is self-defense. Sita carries the soup and sees him. He also looks at Sita. Monkey tries to use his ability. Sita calls him to Mister. He's surprised and runs to Sita and shouts to her that she shouldn't come this way because it's dangerous.
Monkey uses his ability and the people hit. The priest is takes hit instead of Kane. Sita is attacked by her arm and her arm is cut off. He's surprised.
Kane holds to the other priest who's dead and shouts to him. He feels anger and shouts to Hojo that their guards are savages. He tries to open his red thermos but he's attacked by Monkey's attack. He falls and Kane sees him. Hojo sees him and says to Kane that the gentleman is the El's manager his guards were searching for, and even he was held a prisoner at this place, even aliens, so the Sisterhood of Agni disgust him.
Monkey reports to Hojo that his guards have eliminated the remaining Quanx priests. Hojo says to Monkey that simultaneously, his guards have caught all the runaway rats in this place, it's good work. Kane asks to Hojo that why did he has to go so far, this meaningless manslaughter. Hojo says to Kane that he told her already, it was a self-defense to protect himself and his land, so Miss nun should try putting herself in his shoes for a second. Kane says to Hojo that he can't get away with murdering all Quanx priests and he thinks he can handle the backlash. Hojo says to Kane that it's not a religious person talk, also, he's not the one who's responsible for this, all of this is Duke Gosan's will, she and him, all of them, they were living happily and peacefully together, although they were a bit fatigued with the preparation for the festival and all the guests, but he suddenly demanded them to pay for the U.C.S. contribution he was charged with, out of the blue, he squeezed them to a choke, so like he said, the one responsible for all this is non other than something. At this time, someone says to Hojo that these are lies. Hojo asks that who said these are lies, so the person should show himself. At the moment, he clutches his chest and says to Hojo that all of it's nothing but lies.
Several years ago, in Dike (328), he goes to the El family of and introduce himself to Senior manager that his name is Marvin, and he applied for the manager position, after losing his father in his childhood, he grew up to be an independent and responsible person, his family motto is "Make everyone trust you, but don't trust anyone." Thanks to his outgoing and sociable personality, he has about a hundred friends who would come running to help him when he need them.
Next deployment[]
3 years later[]
In 15. A.E. (3-2), 6 months later, he sees himself coming to the emergency call and wears a bread bag on his head, and says if it's not an emergency, he'll do something.
At this time, the bodyguards are gathered and his cousin is on the screen. He asks why did his cousin summon his White Police Guards. His cousin answers it's for his own safety and there's been a riot at Silverquick's station 7 and Quanxs are escaping. When he taps on a calculator, his cousin says this is no time for that and this could be a real threat to him because the leader group of rebels called the Apple made an encrypted document and he found his name on it, and it looks like they're trying to use him to protect them after they escape. He laugh and says now everyone's trying to, so those filthy Quanxs are trying to make a deal with him, so let them. Then Dike and Guido come to him. Dike asks he's the Duke of Gosan, and he introduces himself as the Invincible Death from Urano. He says Dike is doesn't look like the Invincible Death though, and he doesn't know how skillful Dike is but the intruder is exaggerating himself because his 100 White Police Guards that are standing in front of him right now, and they're all Hyper-Quanxs. Dike says he just killed one of Hyper-Quanx on the way.
Appearances in Other Media[]
Yo! Villains[]
In Yo! Villains, Duke Gosan is a playable character.
Densinma with NAVER WEBTOON[]
Attack Power: 7.68K
Attributes | |
Level: 1 | HP: 800 |
ATK: 800 | DEF: 800 |
Power Up Level: 0/30 | Awakening Level: Step 1 1Lv |
Shield's Strength: 0 | Shield's Probability: 0% |
Promotion Level: 0/7 | |
Fire Attributes: 35 Ground Attributes: 35 Water Attributes: 35 Light Attributes: 42 |
- Skills
White Police Guards Assemble!! (백경대 집합!!, Baekgyeongdae Jipap!!)
★ Type.1
- Activates with a 28% chance.
- Enemy's current HP's 202% damage.
- Special effect activated in turn every 4 turns within 4 turns at first turn: Increases light attribute 60 for allies, increases fire attribute 60 for allies, increases ground attribute 60 for allies, increases water attribute 60 for allies.
★ Skill cool time: 48 turns.
★ Permanent application of uninhabited island combat privilege.
- Promotion
1Lv: Fire+2 Ground+2 Water+2 Light+3: Hero's critical damage +600
2Lv: Fire+5 Ground+5 Water+5 Light+7: Hero's invincibleness +600
3Lv: Fire+9 Ground+9 Water+9 Light+12: Hero's attack +12%
4Lv: Fire+14 Ground+14 Water+14 Light+19: Hero's defense +12%
5Lv: Fire+20 Ground+20 Water+20 Light+26: Hero's critical effect +50%
6Lv: Fire+27 Ground+27 Water+27 Light+33: Hero's HP +18%
7Lv: Fire+35 Ground+35 Water+35 Light+42: Activate combo effect, combo+10%
- Treasure
Bread Bag (빵모자, Ppangmoja)
Level: 1/1260
Power Up Level: 0/7
Hero: Duke Gosan
Level Up of Attribute |
Basic HP increase: 170 |
Basic attack increase: 85 |
Basic defense increase: 119 |
- Strengthening Attributes
1Lv: Fire+2 Ground+2 Water+2 Light+4 Shield's Strength+0 Shield's Probability+0%[Hero's critical damage +600]
2Lv: Fire+5 Ground+5 Water+5 Light+10 Shield's Strength+0 Shield's Probability+0%[Hero's invincibleness +600]
3Lv: Fire+9 Ground+9 Water+9 Light+10 Shield's Strength+0 Shield's Probability+0%[Hero's attack +12%]
4Lv: Fire+14 Ground+14 Water+14 Light+27 Shield's Strength+1000 Shield's Probability+25%[Hero's defense +12%]
5Lv: Fire+20 Ground+20 Water+20 Light+37 Shield's Strength+1200 Shield's Probability+25%[Hero's critical effect +50%]
6Lv: Fire+27 Ground+27 Water+27 Light+49 Shield's Strength+1500 Shield's Probability+25%[Hero's HP +18%]
7Lv: Fire+35 Ground+35 Water+35 Light+64 Shield's Strength+1700 Shield's Probability+25%[Combo +10%]
8Lv: Fire+44 Ground+44 Water+44 Light+80 Shield's Strength+2100 Shield's Probability+50%[50% chance to activate the shield, hero's attack +18%]
9Lv: Fire+54 Ground+54 Water+54 Light+97 Shield's Strength+2500 Shield's Probability+50%[Hero's defense +18%]
10Lv: Fire+65 Ground+65 Water+65 Light+115 Shield's Strength+3000 Shield's Probability+100%[Shield activates when first skill is activated]
Data |
Class: LG |
Race: Densinma |
Sex: Male |
Job: Denma |
- Hero's Introduction
My 100 White Police Guards that are standing in front of you right now... they're all Hyper-Quanxs!
He's the master of the first family of the universe eight, the Gosan family. He has a tremendous power as Duke which is his peerage, and he has a lot of influence over the whole universe eight with his wealth of power coming from numerous businesses. The White Police Guards, a battle group of 100 Hyper-Quanxs under his command, is his bodyguards, whose attack powers are sure as shooting.
In Densinma with NAVER WEBTOON, Duke Gosan is a playable hero. He's released on May 15, 2019.
- (To Owner of planet Bella) "I always keep the promise that I made when I was drunk."
- "Hey! [Gosan's cousin|Baldhead]]!"
- (To Gosan's cousin) "Yahwah...? Oh, that shaman ghost?"
- The name Gosan refers to the biblical place name Gozan, short for Gozan-habor, or Goshen. And the word Gozan is Hebrew גּוֹזָן origin. It means probably from guwz, "quarry (as a place of cutting stones)". In the Hangul Bible, Gozan is read as Gosan. And then the word of Goshen is Hebrew גֹּשֶׁן or גושן origin. It means probably "cultivated". He had the father. So he would have received father's cultivated land.
- The name Gosan also comes from the Korean 고산 [高山, Gosan]. It means "high mountain". His family is in the highest position among the other nobles. It's translated as the 高山公爵 in the Chinese edition including Simplified and Traditional. However, this is transliterated, so it pronounced gāoshān.
- The name Gosan also comes from the Japanese ごさん [誤算, Gosan]. It means "miscalculation". He uses a calculator.
- Together, his name means "Received the land cultivated in advance from his father, from the highest family, and he wrongly calculated".
- His position seems to be Cao Pi in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms' position, because the Duke's position is seems to be Cao Cao.
- He wears a bread bag, and he called Breadhead. This is Cheol-ho Kim's cartoon Bang Bang (빵야빵야, Ppangyappangya)'s hommage. The main character wears a bread bag to hide his identity as a famous boxer, and he becomes soccer player. And his player registration name is Breadhead.
- The name Dr. Faust comes from the Faust of Guilty Gear series. Because he wears a paper bag as a mask like him.
- The Volumes' introductions mentioned him.
- Volume 7: his family and the White Police Guards revealed its appearance.
- Volume 8: The collision between the universe eight's best noble family, his family and the second noble family, El family, makes the people's eyes off.
- Volume 9: He and the Count El are entering the preparations for war in the supremacy of the universe eight, and El's butler, Hazz draws the old White Police Guards that were forsaken by him, and Cain who's El's son, holds hands with the Church of Madonna, however, the situation flows in a strange direction, because he's shot by his cousin who opposes the war of the two families, so he falls down. And in the meantime, the Devarims prophesy the emergence of a new dark lord after the war.
- Volume 10: Cain and old White Police Guards, who've kidnapped him who's falls into a coma, are wiped out in Kuan's Fridge, and Hazz fights back with Red Wolves, who've long been training for the war against the Gosan family. On the other hand, Hades from another universe with his army raids the Church of Madonna and the Gosan family, and in the planet Nekar, Marquess Hojo conspires to increase his an evil reputation.
- According to the character description of Agnes of Denma with NAVER WEBTOON, it says she make the alliance with the Gosan family at 2 generations.
- In Volume 8, his bread bag is appeared.
- In Volume 10, he put his bread bag on the cover.
- Fan arts
- July 3, 2012
- May 3, 2013 - Chapter 1 - 15. A.E. (3-2) - Ch.316, Chapter 2 - 1. A.E. (12) - Ch.505 parodies
- June 3, 2013 - Source
- June 3, 2013 - Source
- June 3, 2013 - Source
- June 6, 2013
- June 9, 2013
- July 11, 2013
- April 26, 2014 - Source
- May 20, 2014 - Source
- July 14, 2014
- July 30, 2014
- September 24, 2014 - Source
- September 24, 2014 - Source (Spoiler)
- November 26, 2014 - Source
- August 5, 2015
- September 20, 2015
- September 21, 2015
- September 21, 2015
- September 24, 2015 - Source
- September 25, 2015
- September 26, 2015 - Source
- September 28, 2015 - Source
- September 30, 2015 - Source
- September 31, 2015 - Source
- October 3, 2015 - Source
- October 4, 2015 - Source
- October 14, 2015
- October 19, 2015
- October 27, 2015 - Source
- October 29, 2015 - Source
- October 31, 2015 - Source
- November 2, 2015
- 2015 - Source (Spoiler)
- 2015 - Source (Spoiler)
- May 30, 2017
- August 5, 2018
- April 14, 2019
- Team Imitatros makes him as the figure. link Explanation (Korean)
- His line was parodied in the episode 21 (Korean), 31 (Korean) of the webtoon Bugi Movie (Korean).
- His line was parodied in the episode 130 (Korean) of the webtoon Harpseal (Korean).
- His bread bag is the easiest to cosplay.