Denma Wiki

It's the 632nd Ch. of Denma.


Lot angry and says to Daniel that he can't finish him. Federick calls to Lot and shouts that, does he even know what's going on right now. Lot says to Daniel that he should zip it and as for him, he'll swallow his filthy mouth in one bite. Daniel says it's gross. Lot answers to Federick that he's at harem where their spoiled little Duke Gosan is, and apparently, he's gonna teach a lesson to his dogs that betrayed their master, and their little self-righteous Duke here who just kept the leash on and never bothered to give two shits about his guard dogs is going to get rid of his old dogs with his new ones, when all they did was getting fed up with his negligence. Lot throws beheaded Orange hair's head to Daniel and asks that, he would be pissed off or now. At this time, Lot bites Daniel's face part and spits it. The old man angry and shouts that Lot is crazy. Lot says he's not the one who's crazy, and Gosan is, and he needs to have a word with him. Daniel's face part is recovering, and he says his master is busy.

Gosan is embarrassed to see the holograms, and taps on Causality Calculator. Gosan says the Silverquick's courier ships going off course, and this doesn't make any sense. Gosan tries to call to the Director of Pax Industries. The Director of Pax Industries don't respond, and sees holograms. The new White Police Guards teleport to Gosan.

Lot cuts Daniel's neck, but immediately after the attack, his neck is attached so virtually no effect. Daniel rams Lot into a wall.


  1. Lot
  2. Federick
  3. Daniel
  4. Orange hair
  5. Old man
  6. Gosan
  7. Director of Pax Industries

Quanx ability used[]
